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Concealed Carry Reciprocity Will Pass in 2016

Saturday, January 16, 2016 10:52
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Fellow Conservative,

Even with all the successes we’ve had, the gun laws in this country have never been more complicated. They have been designed by liberals to slip us up.

The 2nd Amendment is under attack. Liberals everywhere are trying to dismantle it and stop you from protecting yourself and your family. This country’s patchwork system of concealed carry laws is impossible to follow and, as we’ve seen just now, vulnerable to sabotage.

The fact of the matter is that Americans should not have to deal with this patchwork system. The Second Amendment describes and individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that the term “bear arms” refers to carrying.

The Second Amendment doesn’t just stop at the state line. It is valid nationwide!

Congress is ignoring our plight! Demand that they quit stalling and pass the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act immediately!

Every state has a different requirement that new drivers must meet before they get a driver’s license. Each state has different road rules and laws. But at the end of the day, they all recognize that there is a basic standard. Learning how to drive in Texas is no different than learning how to drive in Illinois, the fundamentals are exactly the same.

So, we allow people to drive around the country as long as they are licensed in their home states.

The Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act seeks to make states recognize concealed carry permits the same way, nationwide.

If someone is licensed to carry a concealed weapon in Florida, for example, he or she would be allowed to carry that gun nationwide. Currently, he or she would be limited to carrying in the 35 states that have signed reciprocity agreements with Florida.

But the fact of the matter is that a licensed concealed carrier driving across country still has to pull over to the side of the road and disarm before entering anti-gun states.

They can either disarm and become a victim or carry illegally and become a felon. That is unacceptable.

So if you live in “Free America” and want to see your 2nd Amendment rights restored to how the founders intended, then please:

You must FaxBlast Congress and demand that they pass the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act now!

And to those living behind the gun control iron curtain, we know your struggle. We know how hard it is to live in a state where 2ndAmendment rights are denied.

Passing CCW reciprocity will force gun control states to get in line. When Texans and Floridians are allowed to carry a gun in Times Square, for example, it will become harder and harder for New York legislators to deny their citizens this basic right.

The only way we can restore the 2nd Amendment is if we all work together. Last month, we send 95,000 faxes to Congress demanding that they stop Obama’s gun control executive order and, like clockwork, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced legislation that would do just that.

Now, it is time to move the needle on CCW reciprocity. There are at least 12 Democrat Senators who will vote for this bill. We just need to force them to hold the vote!

When likeminded Americans FaxBlast Congress in record numbers, we see real change!

Don’t delay! Force Congress to act right now and make Concealed Carry Reciprocity the law of the land!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily


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