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Google Censors CLG Newsletter on Zika, TPP, and Snowden Rendition Plan; Warns Readers of 'Identity Theft'

Sunday, January 31, 2016 22:35
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Google Censors CLG Newsletter on Zika, TPP, and Snowden Rendition Plan; Warns Readers of 'Identity Theft' By Lori Price, | 01 Feb 2016 | Below is a screenshot showing just how far Google is determined to go to ensure that *no one* can read the CLG Newsletter. A message from Google appeared at the top of the body of Sunday's (newsletter, which read: 'Be careful with this message. It contains content that's typically used to steal personal information.'

What inspired NSA best bud Google to warn all email recipients of the CLG Newsletter that it was a hazard, and to strip the links to all article summaries? Could it be the items linking the Zika pandemic to Oxitec's July 2015 release of genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil to the outbreak? Or, could it be the story on Japan's lead negotiator for the TPP who resigned over corruption allegations? Maybe it was the story on how in June 2013, a 'US plane with a connection to CIA black site programs was on call in Copenhagen ready to snatch NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden as he was stranded in Moscow.'

If you are Gmail recipient, please feel free to write lori at, if you want to be forwarded a replacement copy of the news-laden 31 January edition–links included! (If you were forwarded this item and want to subscribe to the CLG Newsletter, click here (

Google censors CLG Newsletter on Zika and GMMs


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