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~~The controversy over gun control in the US highlights the third lever of state control, the other two being money and religion. Of these three, money is the dominating power because both religious leaders and weapons can be bought with enough money. The state or a powerful foreign government can usually control citizens and their religious leaders (including Christians) by threats and force of arms. Therefore governments need all three members of this trinity of power in order to control and oppress their citizens. The order of importance is thus [1] money, [2] weapons and [3] religion. Only a limited amount of money can be robbed or extracted from citizens or banks by threats or force of arms because the great value and power of money derives from its distribution throughout the population or the world (even though usually very unequal) and therefore if all money is stolen the whole monetary system collapses and everyone becomes the loser. So stolen money must eventually be given back to the population and thus robbery or extraction of money by force can only have limited power over others. You don’t have to give back guns for the power of violence to operate. Legally creating money out of thin air is a better way for governments to exercise control as they do today.
With all this in mind we can now understand the wise instructions the Saviour gave his revolutionary followers:
(1) “You can either serve God or money, not both.” So make up your mind which of these you will serve and don’t be double-minded. “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is due to him.” In other words, avoid the use of money and credit as much as you can.
(2) “Don’t resist evil.” Don’t try to force or convince people to be fair, honest, just and responsible by threats and force of arms. “Let those who do evil continue to do evil.” Aggression and violence on one occasion will always breed more aggression and violence at one time or another, not lasting peace and goodwill. Those who have to use threats of violence and fear-mongering to control people will always have to live with fear and threats of violence. Rather use reason and persuasion to influence people and if they are not convinced then “Leave them and go separate yourselves from them.”
(3) “Don’t do what your religious leaders do; but do what they say.” That’s because they do not really follow God’s commands but pretend to do so.” In actual fact, they serve themselves more than their followers and they bow to the governments that licence their practice. Most religions apply a considerable measure of fear-mongering and superstition to control and oppress their members on behalf of the state.
Don’t follow the crowds or those who say “Salvation is here in the wilderness!” or ”There it is in the secret place!” Salvation begins here in one’s heart, mind and body. Get that right first and then link up with others who are “wise as serpents and innocent as doves” – those who have found the Way, the Truth and the Life. That will lead eventually into the wilderness, but not quite yet. Start waking up to wisdom and getting prepared for the exodus!