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Riot police unleash tear gas to disperse Kurdish protesters
Training Kurdish militias in Syria
Mass grave believed to be of Yazidi men killed by ISIS found near Iraq’s Sinjar
“3 Americans kidnapped in Iraq’s capital”
Iraqi forces search cars at Baghdad checkpoint after kidnapping
Iraqi air strikes ISIS vehicles in Anbar province
An Iraqi oil field on fire by ISIS in Hamrin Mountains, northeast of Tikit✫16.01.2016
Evacuated civilians from besieged Syrian villages speak out
Bild attacks starving Madaya refugees as ‘actors’ in RT report
Syrian army advances agaisnt militants in Dara’a
Syrian Army Destroys Militants Tank with ATGM in North Aleppo
International Military Review – Syria, Jan. 18, 2016
Cover Up of Russian Success Against ISIS
Syrian Desert Eagles / War report
It’s been an interesting 2015. A lot influential events have evolved the conflicts in the Middle East, the most impacting being the Russian air intervention. Of course other events were just as important, failed rebel offensives, government institutions beginning to degrade, the Yemen campaign that financially distracted Saudi Arabia, the Iran deal, the Vienna talks, and the strengthening of Kurdistan through the Kurd-American alliance. [Source]
The Russians and Iranians have given Assad the blooded and material needed to continue to fight. As General Omar Bradley once said “Amateurs talk strategy. Professionals talk logistics”. With the constant sea shipments from Russia and the supplies the come in from Iran the Syrian Arab Army, NDF, and their allies (Hezbollah and Iraqi militias) have finally turned the logistical war against the Islamic State and the opposition.
Right now Saudi Arabia and Iran are locked in confrontation. Saudi Arabia, being insecure and somewhat incompetent, has festered the Middle East with all sorts of issues, many of which reek of wahhabism.
Yemen, the poorest nation in the Arab world and the highest consumer of khat (an amphetamine-like product) is literally humiliating the world’s third most expensive military on the planet.
As I am finishing typing this the Syrian Arab Army is amassing large numbers of Syrian soldiers and equipment in Aleppo, perhaps planning the final blow to the jugular. Rumors abound that this will be the biggest operation since the beginning of the war.
So onto the battlefield:
Syria, Russia, Hezbollah, NDF:
• Syrian forces have used Russian-manufactured combat rover robots/drones (with Russian specialists) to capture a hill highlighting even more Russian high-tech weaponry. [Source]
• Cynically this only reinforces that Syria is just one large testing ground of modern weapon systems and military technology.
• More literature and pictures of the Platform-M and Argo robots can be seen at the following sources. [Source] [Source] [Source]
• A Syrian offensive in Palmyra has been met with great success with the initial shock attack by a combined force of Syrian Arab Army, Hezbollah and Russian Air Force units routing ISIL forces from outposts surrounding Palymra before Christmas of last year. Syrian soldiers in Palmyra are in high spirits and are methodically cutting off and clearing out ISIL forces inside that area of operation. Russian Mi-24s are providing consistent cover to help reduce Syrian army causalities. [Source] [source]
• Zahran Alloush, the commander of the Islamic Front (a heavily supported Saudi Arabia jihadist group) has been killed by an air strike. Depending on the sources it was either a Syrian air strike, a Russian air strike, or a Russian air strike which the Russians are allowing the Syrians to take credit for (to help bolster moral, support the regime, etc.). Zahran Alloush was one of the five most influential commanders of the Syrian opposition outside of the Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, and the Kurdish YPG. [Source]
• In Daraa fighting closer to the Jordanian border is more intense as large areas are urbanized, entrenching the rebels against the NDF and SAA. Su-24s consistently providing interdiction strikes on potential rebel reinforcements. [Source]
• Jordanian tribesmen have been assisted the FSA in fighting the Syrian government. Some rumor them to be Jordanian Special Forces however they most likely are just tribesmen. The King of Jordan has limited powers and the tribes are what keep him in power. If one tribe decides to go to war in Syria and they have popular support from other tribes he has very little influence to deny them. If the US is helping them there’s even less he can do. [Source]
• Mahin was recaptured by the Syrian Arab Army two days after the date in the source video. Combat in that particular area saw the usage of close-air support, mounted pick-up trucks with heavy weapons, mounted trucks with even heavier weapons, light infantry (moved into position in fast pickup trucks), and Syrian Republican Guard BMP-2s. A continuous mixture of forces between NDF, Syrian Republican Guard, and Russian Air Force. [Source]
• The dam over the Euphrates in al-Akhmar has also been captured by the Syrian army with support by token elements from Syrian rebels, Kurdish forces and Turkmen militants. When I say token elements I mean literally anywhere from a fire team (like 2-4 guys) to perhaps a platoon (20-40 men). [Source]
• The Syrian Arab Army earlier claimed to have captured the “TOW Ace” Rami (Abu Hamza). Abu Hamza is supposedly a Turkmen Syrian who is part of the First Coastal Division for the FSA (which can be considered Al-Nusra’s TOW brigade in reality) [Source] [Source] [Source]…………………………
The Islamic State:
• The Islamic State is suffering set backs on two fronts, losing Ramadi in Iraq and having major offensive operations cease in Syria.
• Ramadi has mostly been recaptured by the Iraqi army [Source]
• An inside look into the Islamic State by eye-witnesses that once were affiliated at some level or another revealing the social and strategic complexity of the group (thanks to a commentator for the source). Their reasons for defecting and becoming eyewitnesses was due to the hypocrisy of the group, the disappointing life under the Islamic State, the special privileges certain people enjoyed over others, the heavy levels of corruption, the displays of barbarity and brutality towards civilians, and the obsession ISIL has in fighting other Sunnis (as heretics/infidels) and in outing spies and traitors. [Source]
• It seems that the Western converts are made of more radical stuff than their domestic counterparts. This is true of Westernized-Arabs or legitimate Westerners converted to Islam.
• Other foreigners seem to provide specializations. Russian Muslims who are used as battle planners but not fully trusted as they are real Russian-blooded and would be considered as agents (their story would be that they were in the Russian Army, converted, left their post and now want to fight for the Islamic State).
• Chechens and Kazaks are battle-hardened and thus form the elite special forces of the Islamic State (Chechens apparently execute prisoners ruthlessly, numb to any feelings), Serbs are given roles as executioners.
• “One Serbian foreign fighter was pointed out by some of our informants as a particularly psychopathic executioner and more Serbians were seen as wanting to fulfill that role.”
• Training for recruits is also a heavy dosage of military drill and religious training. The religious instructors have been noted to be very charismatic, intellectual, warm and charming. They are able to convince many people to martyr themselves for the Islamic State. People note feeling complete after talking to them.
• Just like the Israeli “birth right” programs, the Islamic State places foreign recruits of different cultural backgrounds together to best allow teamwork to develop. Groups have their own language instructor who speaks fluently whatever language the group uses. This shows a very developed indoctrination program. Islamic universities from Egypt and Saudi Arabia are sending their best to this organization.
• The Islamic State has been eyeing Africa more and more not only for recruits but also as another means of financing through illegal poaching, mining (precious gems, rare earths and minerals), oil, and other resource-oriented industries. Yes the source is Voice of America but we’ve seen their expansion by incorporating Boko Haram (which is now Islamic State West Africa Province). [Source]
• The Islamic State also enjoys revenues from other industries including cotton and phosphate trading; corporations love buying raw resources at below-market prices no matter where they come from (both in the EU or China). [Source] [Source]
• Organ trading is also a very sizeable revenue source. Illegal organ trading has been ongoing in Turkey for decades. Israelis especially benefit from this as they are the largest consumer of organs. [Source]
• The Islamic State has also vocalized its loudest threat towards Israel (and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia again) reflecting its desperation to attract recruits more than anything else. [Source]
• The Islamic State seems to be attempting to develop its own high-tech weaponry such as remote-controlled bomb cars (with decoy humans that emit thermal signatures to fool scanners), aftermarket thermal batteries for IR-tracking surface-to-air missiles (which have been converted from jet-launched air-to-air missiles), and fuses of various types of chemical explosives. Source one is highly recommended video. [Source] [Source] [Source]
• Note in the video how the fighter indicates this training is meant for people leaving Iraq and Syria, to be able to build these things in the West if needed for an operation.
• This is only possible due to the level of technological proliferation seen in today’s society. Today there are pre-built devices with multiple interfaces (see source) which can be programmed to do anything from running a smart home, building customized electronics, and even controlling weapon systems. Countries like China have factories that produce everything and anything allowing end-users the same crafting capabilities as high-end corporations (special sized gears, actuators and mechanical equipment, etc.). [Source]……………………..
Kurdish Forces and Syrian Rebels (Syrian Democratic Front, YPG, and similar entities):
• The current makeup of the Syrian “rebellion” in one picture. Over the course of the year many factions have been annihilated, disbanded, or have merged with other factions. Others directly work with Al-Qaeda (see legend) [Source]
• The SDF and YPG have entered the Tishreen dam. At around 4:30 timestamp Kurdish forces stumble upon men who were locked up in the dam. The men explain to the Kurdish fighters that they are the workers of the dam and “have been under the administration of the regime, Army of Conquest, the Islamic State, and now you gentlemen”. “Our only responsibility is to take care of this plant for the world”. [Source]
• The capture of the Tishreen dam forces the Islamic State to use a much longer supply route which eventually has to cross the Euphrates to reach Raqqa, creating better conditions to be able to monitor and spot ISIL supply units (in a less populated area that has fewer oasis and pit stops). [Source]
• The Islamic State is still engaging the YPG and SDF around the dam, contesting its control. The Islamic State needs the dam for electricity as well as being a junction in the shorter supply route from Turkey, that’s the only reason they haven’t blown it up. [Source]
• A Syrian Druze movement has formed its own security unit (militia, whatever) that is independent of the Syrian regime and the Islamists [Source]
• Rebels in Al-Sheikh Maskin, part of the southern front, shows rebels using Google Earth and manually calculating their firing solution on SAA positions. For whatever reason Russian Air Forces haven’t struck these artillery pieces [Source]
• On a side note this is why Israel won’t allow high-resolution satellite imagery on Google Maps, try it yourselves, look at your city and how far you can zoom in and then find a town in Israel, preferably closer to the Lebanese and Gaza border and see the difference. The source is an old article (2011) but it still applies today. [Source]
• The YPG have published their yearly breakdown of operations for 2015, launching 453 operations in total which killed 5875 hostiles and captured 2177 enemy causalities (by YPG definitions) [Source]…………………..
• The fighting in Ramadi is heavily based on urban warfare tactics, using snipers and heavy machine guns in tangent with tanks point-blanking entrenched positions and close-air support. [Source]
• I’d like to note the level of destruction in this video compared to when the US was fighting Sunni insurgents in the area. In the past US forces tried to keep some semblance of the city intact. This includes both the first and second battle of Ramadi during US occupation. But when the Iraqi army rolls in and destroys everything its okay.
• During Christmas Baghdad put up the biggest Christmas tree in the Middle East. A show of solidarity against the Islamic States intolerance. [Source]
• After hard fighting Ramadi falls to Iraqi security forces. The Islamic State has left behind several traps, including land mines and IEDs, as well as pockets of resistance throughout the city but the majority of area falls under Iraqi Army control. [Source]
• US forces have been active in training the Iraqi Army in anything and everything. This declassified video shows US military advisors training Iraqi Army engineers in deploying floating pontoon bridges. These bridges were used to help the Iraqi Army assault to the center of Ramadi across the Euphrates after bridges connecting the city center had been destroyed by ISIL. [Source]
• The government in Baghdad is providing weapons and financing to the Shingal Protection Unit, being recognized as one of the countless (Shia) militias now involved in fighting the Islamic State. However the Kurdistan regional government has been delaying the process of transferring weapons. The weapons include heavy equipment such as mortars and even tanks. They have managed to stretch out their funds to double up their salaried fighters (and are strengthened even further by volunteers). [Source]
• The Iraqi Air Force is putting the Mi-35 and Mi-28 helicopters to good use against ISIL [Source]
• US targeting force (probably part of SOCOM) has arrived in Iraq to help in locating, identifying and targeting Islamic State assets [Source]
• Turks have tried too hard to play the geopolitical grand game, this time through their Turkish connections throughout central Asia. This also includes the Uyghers in China. One attack in particular against Chinese soldiers (in the past) in the Western part of the country may have Turkish involvement. [Source]
• A Turkish redline has been crossed. YPG (Kurdish) forces have crossed the Euphrates. The reaction from Turkey has been nothing probably due to the fact they’ve expended most of their influence in the downing of the Russian Su-24 [Source]
• There is an ongoing counterterrorism operation against PKK Kurds inside Turkey. [Source]
• As a result the PKK has launched a string of counter attacks throughout Kurdistan against Turkish police stations and other Turkish government property [Source]
• The Islamic State is also attacking Turkey in the form of suicide bombings [Source]
• Turkish military is now targeting some Islamic State groups inside Syria, aiding rebels in the hopes of countering ISIL [Source]
• It seems Turkey is really the loser in the whole affair.
• Turkey now continues to attack Islamic State targets inside Syria and Iraq on the ground and by air [Source]
Over 140 Terrorists Killed in Syria-Russia Coalition Attack in Idlib
Syrian Army Continues to Crush ISIL Militants in Deir Ezzur
Gov’t Forces Capture Strategic Heights in Deir Ezzur Province
Syria: Militant Groups Retreating from Northern Lattakia
Al-Nusra Sustains Scores of Casualties in Syrian Army Missile Attacks East of Damascus
Syrian Air Force, Artillery Continue Nonstop Targeting of Militant Positions in Idlib
ISIL Sustains Major Losses in Syrian Air Attacks Southeast of Homs
Militant Groups Hit Hard in Syrian Airstrikes in Lattakia Mountains
Senior Nusra Militant Commander Killed by Gov’t Forces in Syria’s Idlib