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Jeb Bush Proposes Putting NSA in Charge of Civilian Data, Cybersecurity

Friday, January 15, 2016 15:11
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Oh-but-another reason why Jeb Bush is at 3% in the polls: Jeb Bush Proposes Putting NSA in Charge of Civilian Data, Cybersecurity –The GOP presidential candidate also proposed offering liability relief [!] to tech companies that share data with law enforcement officials. | 15 Jan 2016 | At the tail end of a sixth Republican presidential debate, dominated by personal feuds and mutual condemnation of the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush made a stunning proposal: Put the NSA in charge of civilian data and cybersecurity. The proposal, which represents a major expansion of the intelligence agency's role, shocked some observers on Twitter, with some calling it akin to a “police state.”


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