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Leonardo DiCaprio Offered Role As Vladimir Lenin in Russian Propaganda Movie

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 17:53
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Diogenes Middle Finger Russia's 'Lenfilm' film studio has responded to Leonardo DiCaprio's statement of interest in playing a Russian public figure by offering to collaborate with the actor in a film about Vladimir Lenin.

Bernie Sanders supporters in Hollywood must be excited.

Leonardo DiCaprio’s several Oscar snubs have become the butt of a long-standing joke. And although many predict that he’ll finally take home the little gold statue for his role in The Revenant at the 88th Academy Awards ceremony next month, the academy may decide to pull a mean girl and snub the actor once again. But even though the two and a half hour grunting session that was his nominated performance may go unappreciated by the academy, our Russia semed to have liked watching Leo freeze his ass off.


St. Petersburg based studio'Lenfilm' has offered Leonardo DiCaprio the chance to star as a young Vladimir Lenin in a film about the revolutionary, after the actor gave an interview where he expressed interest in portraying Lenin, Rasputin or Russian President Vladimir Putin. Leonardo DiCaprio is often compared to Lenin in his youth. We have enough scenery and props to recreate the era of the revolution,” Lenfilm spokesman Valeriy Karlov  

The Lenfilm studio is the oldest in Russia, which traces its roots back to 1914 when a local military committee in St. Petersburg started making films. In 1918 the studio expanded to become the St. Petersburg Film Committee and opened 68 cinemas in the city; after two decades it was renamed 'Lenfilm.'


On Sunday DiCaprio, who has recently received his sixth Oscar nomination for his role in 'The Revenant,' told German newspaper Welt on Sonntag that he would like to play Vladimir Putin in a film someday. 

According to Leo, we’ll all be underwater in a few hundred years, but at least he’s making international relations less hostile for the short time humankind has left.

No word out of Hollywood if any of the famous show business lefties have expressed interest in playing any of the millions killed by the ruthless Lenin Regime.…..  


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