Jeb Bush is a bit looser, a bit more comfortable. Can’t imagine why…
…Dr. Ben Carson is a very nice man and possibly too good a person to run for President.
Chris Christie has the right instincts – go whale on Hillary Clinton – but I don’t know if he’s making the sale here generally.
Ted Cruz is a little uneven; I think he may have prepped for a slightly different debate than the one we’re having. But he also was willing to tell Iowans to their faces that yeah, he wants to get rid of ethanol mandates.
John Kasich is very helpful. No, really: I need to go get a soda from time to time.
Rand Paul is far more libertarian than I am, but it’s useful to have him there on the stage to actually, you know, talk about the libertarian stuff that an entire wing of the GOP believes in.
Marco Rubio is taking shots, but shrugging them off.
All in all, this Fox debate was a breath of fresh air, folks. This is what I wanted in the first place. This is the debate that I and you earned. And I enjoyed it! – Even the bits with Kasich.