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Oregon Victory – Judge and 2 US Marshals in Route to Restore Constitutional Rule of Law

Tuesday, January 12, 2016 6:48
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(Before It's News)


It has already been reported that a large group of heavily armed men from the Pacific Patriot Network showed up at the Bundy Militia’s camp In Oregon with the intention of hand delivering Bundy’s Articles Of Resolution to FBI themselves, and In the video below, you get to see the beginning stages of what could turn out to be a truly historic victory for the Bundy Militia. 

Saturday morning, after a meeting with the Occupiers at the Refuge, approximately 15-20 vehicles loaded up with members of the Pacific Patriot Network rolled out of the federal refuge and and went straight out to the Burns Airport where the FBI Compound and Headquarters was located.

They rolled up armed with sidearms just outside the main building at the airport and exited their vehicles to walk over to the building to engage the FBI officers.  

Almost immediately, as seen in the video, about 8-10 federal officers exited the building in full tactical “battle rattle” and moved to surround the approaching group.  Brandon Curtiss, of the Idaho 3% and the others, immediately sought to defuse the tension by extending hands, taking a non-threatening stance and showing their peaceful intent.

By engaging in friendly dialogue, the group continued to calm and assuage the officers standing guard at the front of the FBI compound.  

The PPN group then proceeded to present and discuss the “Articles of Resolution” they had drawn up as negotiating points between the federal government and the Occupiers at the Refuge. 


PPN Rolls Up On FBI With 12-15 Carloads of Armed Men




AVNETNEWS in collaboration with TVOINEWS  had MAJOR developments to report in Oregon yesterday:

Michael Emery (seen in the video above) in Burns, Oregon verifies today  a judge who will remain unnamed is on his way to Burns, Oregon escorted by two U.S Marshals.  The purpose of the visit is to reinstate the rule of law according to the U.S constitution.  Ranchers and militia verify the BLM’s modus operandi of land grabbing through various means intended to drive the ranchers off their property.  Common knowledge now verifies vast mineral wealth on those ranchers lands, many of which have been seized by the Feds, not only in Oregon but reports in Arizona, Utah and elsewhere.  The land grab is allegedly driven by greed to gain the wealth of minerals much of which is sold overseas especially to China as a primary United States creditor.

Many sources confirm numerous cases where corrupt Federal government bureaucrats contriving “endangered species,” arson, terrorism or flooding ranchers off their land by driving down the price of land, then forcing sales of land at sub-market prices.  The land then is possessed by those bureaucrats who contrived the forced sale.


Michael says the militia has won the hearts of the residents of Burns by restoring the voices of the ranchers, giving them hope since now for the first time in many years they are heard.   Michael also says the ranchers are gaining support from good and honest law enforcement personnel who understand the egregious violations toward the ranchers.  Michael said the militia has planned a cookout later this week inviting many ranchers and law enforcement alike.  “Our entire goal is avoid another Waco” said a rancher with Michael.



Prior to the news reported above, reported:

Boise, Idaho–January 11, 2016   On January 9th, an enormously significant event occurred in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Occupation and standoff.  The Feds were thrown what could be termed the “Patriot Change-up.”  Though virtually unreported anywhere but the alternative media, it once again demonstrates the utter uselessness of the mainstream media (MSM) in providing an objective and truthful reportage of events.  As captured in this exclusive video by embedded reporter, Michael Emry of TVOI News (as relayed by Pete Santilli), documents the unilateral efforts of the Idaho III% and the Pacific Patriot Network members to intervene in events at the Refuge Occupation.




While the Occupation of the Refuge by Ammon Bundy, members of the Bundy family and others has been peaceful, many inside and outside the immediate occupation have grown increasingly concerned at the build-up by the FBI and federal agencies around Harney County, OR. The history of federal confrontation with peaceful protesters is not an admirable record, especially in the West over such land-use issues that have arisen through the prosecution and persecution of the Hammond family  by those same federal agencies. 

Because of that the Idaho 3% and Pacific Patriot Network (PPN) felt it was necessary to establish an intermediary buffer and security perimeter between the Occupiers at the Refuge and the federal authorities, in order to avoid an armed confrontation and provide for a peaceful resolution to the standoff.  Their purpose was to convince the Occupiers and FBI agents of a way to peaceably defuse the occupation and present the FBI team leader with a list of negotiating points (“Articles of Resolution”) the occupiers wished to discuss for ending the occupation.  So on Saturday morning, after a meeting with the Occupiers at the Refuge to inform them of the PPN plans, approximately 15-20 vehicles with PPN members onboard took a surprise turn and went straight out to the Burns Airport where the FBI Compound and Headquarters was located. They rolled up armed with sidearms just outside the main building at the airport and exited their vehicles to walk over to the building to engage the FBI officers.  

Almost immediately, as seen in the video, about 8-10 federal officers exited the building in full tactical “battle rattle” and moved to surround the approaching group.  

Brandon Curtiss, of the Idaho 3% and the others, immediately sought to defuse the tension by extending hands, taking a non-threatening stance and showing their peaceful intent.  By engaging in friendly dialogue, the group continued to calm and assuage the officers standing guard at the front of the FBI compound.  

The PPN group then proceeded to present and discuss the “Articles of Resolution” they had drawn up as negotiating points between the federal government and the Occupiers at the Refuge. 

While the attempt to establish intermediaries at previous confrontations was not without precedent, the move by the PPN to establish a “security perimeter” between federal law enforcement and the Occupiers is entirely unprecedented.  

Bo Gritz and state Sen. Charles Duke (R- 9th Dist. CO) had previously sought to act as trusted intermediaries at Ruby Ridge and in the Montana Freeman standoff, never has there been a move to combine that function with providing a security buffer between the parties.  

The move by the PPN is to defuse the situation and preclude an armed confrontation between the government and protesters.

If successful, it may lead to a path where such conflicts can be successfully and peaceably mitigated in the future.  Although, that may be difficult given the disposition and tendencies of the federal law enforcement actions with history as the guide.  The federal government and local authorities have sought to keep things off-balance for the citizens of Harney County by heavily militarizing the government buildings in Burns and at the FBI headquarters in town and at the airport.  Through the unnecessary closure of schools and federal offices, some 30 miles from the Refuge Occupation, government officials have to sought to increase the fear and bad feelings toward the Occupiers.  They have also erected of barriers and obstacles around government buildings in Burns, OR to heighten the sense of tension unnecessarily.

Right now, the result of these actions by the Idaho 3% and the PPN groups remains unknown.  However, one thing is clear.  It is a chance to keep this a peaceable and injury-free episode amidst a sad and unhappy history of bad outcomes for past confrontations.  It is a chance that, often, instead are purposefully escalated into shooting situations that destroy lives and property involved and result in the death in participants on both sides.  Too few ever ask why, when the government is involved and having overwhelming force, such confrontations should ever have to result in a single injury or death.  What is the hurry?  With no imminent threat being given by the protesters, what is the real reason for the government to ever quickly escalate such protests into armed attacks? WHAT is the rush to kill if the protesters, Occupiers, whatever they are, hold no hostages and present no identifiable imminent threat to anyone?  What is the rush?

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out so stay tuned. Right now Facebook is banning anyone who writes about the Bundy standoff for 3 days per incident, and the FBI Is Attempting to Shut Down All Other Forms of Alternative Media Relating to the Oregon Standoff (Listen to a Recorded Call).

Many of us in the alternative media will continue to try to bring you updates on this situation, but if you get tips or hear anything, please write in at [email protected]



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Total 25 comments
  • PeoplePower

    “On June 19, 2014 the organic American states of the Union.  Also known as The United States of America exercising plenary civil power upon the land – issued Orders to all Members of the domestic Police Forces, US Marshals Service, the Provost Marshal, members of the American Bar Association, and the American Armed Services; and Appointed General Carter F. Ham to lead and command The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) and its successors under the guidance of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and with their full support.”

    The Orders stipulated that should it become necessary to suppress commercial mercenary forces operating under the guise of being federal government agencies — including but not limited to the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Emergency Management Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, etc. — General Ham shall assume immediate command and control of all armed forces and services owed to The United States of America stationed in North America and shall join them under his Command as The Grand Army of the Republic. And that all forces of air, land, and sea are to be employed.”

    As a result, anyone who fails to comply with this request to action, will be considered a domestic enemy to ‘The Grand Army of the Republic’ for which it stands.   At this time, its of utmost importance for all civilians and patriots to brace themselves for impact with a Rogue illegitimate Federal Government. 

    • General Ham is an interesting person. I remember reading about him in relation to something else (nothing bad) a few years back. This all sounds good on paper, but, um, where was he during the Harney Co mess? Near as I can tell he’s not in the thick of it like Patton. Anyone can write or say anything on paper but the guy who gets the street cred is the one who shows up and plays hero. Right now that may be the Pacific Patriots Network…maybe. The day is yet young as they say on a battlefield. Proof being in the pudding and all.

  • More and more people are learning by the day that these so called gov agencies are really in fact privately owned Dun and Bradstreet corporations masquerading as govs and or foreign trusts as is the case with the ir s which is a Puerto Rico Trust and like the fed is privately owned.

    • it’s en route. NOT in route

    • Even know what Dun and Bradstreet does?

  • The federal gubmint has been exposed for all to see, feel and witness. Who are they to decide that our properties are owned by them should they decide to take it for their personal profit. I don’t think the fed wants to war with the American people. Freedom fighters have never lost a war. It’s bad enough what the ranchers are suffering. People like me were run out of our homes so that Section 8 investors in the legislators across our nation could become landlords and collect rents paid for by the tax payers as they littered our towns with 3rd world savages. It’s time to make a lateral move away from DC to reinstate the Constitution. We the people are angry enough to bite the head off the snake, eh?

  • Man

    it is a victory in Oregon Because a judge and 2 US marshalls are willing to hear what this unknown Articles of Resolution is about. Somehow this will restore the constitution not only in oregon but the whole nation.

    This will happen because the constitution is abused because of endangered species and low free market prices?

    I never knew that the constitution stated anything about endangerd species and the free market…

    well good luck on that

    and i guess no one cares for the 2 arsonist rotting away in prison. i thought they wanted to free them? They are just out to get more Free monies by the taxpayers through the government by being armed and hostile

    • Man, If you hurry can catch the Hijab sale, not long now everyone will need one, using your logic, Ehhhhh, Right?

      • Man

        as you don’t have an answer, i guess you are still busy trying to find the parts in the constitution about free market and endangered species…

  • The Elitis, has infiltrated ever place, using their puppets in High Political office, Placing Proxy Units every place.

    Has Germany has fallen?, about 18% of their newly arrived population now Consist of All young men military age, infiltrated under the guise of “Refugee” More infiltrating Daily.

    These proxy units are being placed stratigically.

  • the judicial system will resolve this standoff after it ends and it will not reward illegal activities. any felony convicts will result in loss of gun rights and voting rights. perfect irony.

    • Do you know the difference between UNITED STATES and that of The United States of America?

      Do you know the difference between what is legal/illegal to that of lawful/unlawful?

      Do you know the difference between a legislative democracy and a republic?

      Do you know that here upon America, there are two different political jurisdictions with each having it’s own class of citizens?

      -signed by a private man, without prejudice + without UNITED STATES

    • Even felony convictions for gun confiscation are actually illegal if your gun grabbing self wants a dose of truth. What part of ‘shall not be infringed upon’ do we need to explain so you will understand? That means the law cannot be changed even for the gun grabber crowds, But our society just goes along with it as one freedom at a time wilts away.

  • Everyone needs to read this and spread it on!!! Very important!

  • In the i980′s my family owned 12 acres and I owned one and a quarter acre of land close to
    Chekika Hammock State Park in South Florida where we had planned to build homes for our retirement years because our properties were close to the mineral springs.
    We were contacted by the National Park Service which informed us that
    they wanted our acreage in order to annex the properties to Everglades National Park
    for conservation purposes.
    We were given the choice of accepting less than a dollar per ten or face condemnation
    and payment of whatever we had paid in taxes that year for said land.

    My property cost close to ten thousand dollars but the National Park Service offered me $700.
    Because in the 80′s organized resistance to government bureaucratic theft was nonexistent
    and because we are hard working middle class people, we were unable to hire legal counsel
    to represent us. The people who did hire legal counsel lost the battle with the Parks Service
    and for the most part lost their properties including many who had improved the land and built roads and homes on their properties.

    I replied to the government and told them that the least they could do is offer me
    one dollar per ten dollar value, and they replied with a check for one thousand dollars
    and the condition that cashing or depositing such would constitute a final sale of my land.
    The same happened with my mom and dad’s land.

    Remember that the government’s premise and reason was annexation of our property
    to the Everglades National Park for conservation purposes…

    The punch line; After acquiring our property the Park Service leased our land to
    Exxon so they could drill for oil.

    • Correction, 1980′s. The first sentence omitted due to a glitch should say:
      Government bureaucratic theft is not new or limited to large ranch lands out west.

      • The “theft” about which you speak, I believe, refers to the purchase of failed ranch lands by the BLM to protect them from overgrazing. Hence the word “theft,” instead of purchase.

        • Correction, 1980′s. The first sentence omitted due to a glitch should say:
          Government bureaucratic theft is not new or limited to large ranch lands out west.

          No,@doggy do, the theft to which I refer is theft of MY PROPERTY in FLORIDA
          which has little to do with the BLM except for the fact that their modus operandi is very similar.

          Moreover, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the actual situation in Oregon.
          A purchase would involve paying fair market value for the land rather than acquisition by condemnation and confiscation of both land and cattle at gun point..

          LOL, I either misunderstand your point or you certainly live up to your nick.

          • BTW, @doggy do, The second word in your nick should be “doo”
            if referring to dog feces and the first word “doggie” if referring to the game.
            I only point this out since I notice you like to play spelling police.
            However since yours is a nick name your atrocious spelling
            of the common slang term can be overlooked.

            I also suggest you look up the word “troll.


  • Some dumb a– needs to learn to SHUT YOUR PHONE OFF FOR MEETINGS!!,

  • FDR New Deal policies gave American unions a powerful voice in economic and Social policy, which changed America Society into a right wing socialism.

    It was when working class people had a strong voice, in government, through their unions.

    The American unions striked for better wages and benefits, workers had plenty of time off to enjoy family, generally working no holidays or weekends.

    The individual federal tax base was 91% on the income of high earners and 55% for Corporate tax. 

    This formula existed until President Johnson, as first agenda after taking office after Kennedy Assassination, pushed legalisation through the senate to cut those taxes 25% to a rate of 71% on high earners and 45% on the Corporations. 

    Then he sent America into Vietnam and started the space moon projects which are huge expenses to Americas pocket book.

    During this period, the blacks protested and rallied for their rights and to end segregation, they even earned the right to vote and have a voice and opinion in the political process. This brought about more equality in Society moving America even further to the left as a Socialist Society.

    Then in 1968, when Teamsters leader Hoffa and UAW union leader Reuther formed an alliance between these two of Americas biggest unions, (ALA) Alliance for Labor Action headquartered in Atlanta, GA., of course the partnership ended just as it started when Walter Reuther died in 1970. This alliance was to oppose US opening trade Agreement with Russia and Communist states.

    Then President Nixon and VP Ford did just that, they opened trade and removed all restrictions off American trade with Russia and began meetings for trade deals with China.

    Russia had nothing of importance to trade other than Serbian oil reserve and other natural resources.

    At this same time, Nixon introduced strong industrial regulations when establishing OSHA, NIOSHA and the EPA. This being employee and consumer protection and environmental protection policies.

    Then Nixon made the US dollar off any ties to gold reserve backing in 1972. This allowed more ability for the Federal Reserve to print more money to minipulated and have more control over value of the currency without restrictions.

    1973 an organization, fully funded by Rockerfeller, Ford, Carnegie and other such Foundations, called the Trilateral Commission comes into existance.

    Members include Presidents Carter, the Bushes, the Clinton’s, Obama, VP’s Mondale, Quayle, Cheney Secretary of States Kissinger Mrs. Clinton, appointees Snow, Rumsfeld, Holder, Federal Reserves Voulcher and Greenspan, Geithner and many more high ranking gov officials.

    Labor union leaders from AFL-CIO, UAW, USW, names such as Lane Kirkland, Leonard Woodcock, I.W. Abel possibly Trumpka.

    They use a Communist tactic to gain high ranking positions in key organizations to progress their global agendas of their dictated decisions and to progress those agendas. Agendas not in favor of American working class or America in general for that matter.

    Then Nixon was in a Watergate investigation which led to his impeachment trials.

    During the trials, secretary of state, Kissinger substitutes in and the Saudi’s and Israel conflict starts.

    Iran opposes the US support to Israel and oil production to US is reduced causing the 1973 iranian gas embargo. 

    The auto companies produced no small fuel-efficient automobiles in the 70′s, they were very large gas guzzlers.

    Then Carter with the help of UAW president Leonard Woodcock, who assumed the unions leadership after Reuther, became one of the first US Ambassadors for the task to remove all trade restrictions and barriers for trade with China. 

    The auto industry was having such a hardship, that Chrysler, presided over by CEO Lee Iacocca, went to government for a loan to keep the company in business because the banks would not help.

    Two major changes happened here, first, in order to get the loan, government required that the company put UAW Douglas Fraser on the Corporate board. This was the first time ever for such. This is the way it was done in Socialist and Communist states.

    The second item, (ESOP) Employee Stock Option Program came into existance were an employee has option to recieve company stock for bonus and profit sharing payment option. 

    This plan also began to be available to the Corporate CEO, which they were restricted from doing prior to because that forced the Corporate decisions to be directed towards company long time growth and stability rather then stock performance.

    The unions no longer liked to practice and even restricted routine strike practices because it hurt the dividends on the new employee shareholders. 

    When the Corporations are majority owned by union working class laborer, this is industrial socialism.

    Reagan along with Greenspan conducted 1982 Social Security Act which which allows government to access Social Security to take access funds for government budget shortages and in 1986 he performed 86 tax reform reducing more tax on high earners and Corporations (this move allows for an elite ruling class who become so rich that nobody can act against them, in the future, because of their elite social economic status)

    Throughout the 80′s and 90′s, the women were working towards more equality for equal pay for equal work as they also wanted to assume high ranking positions in both politics and in climbing the Corporate ladder.

    Then the great .com stock market crash and 9/11 terrorists attack on the world trade center leads us into the new world order of presidential (EO) Executive Orders and away from following Constitution government proceedures. 

    As we move more to the left, there is a point to stop progressive movement from going too far to the left bringing in Dictatorship or totalitarianism. This time is now and to reverse course before individual citizens loose rights to private property and liberty!!!

    Possibly press charges on all mentioned or who are involved on violating the 1940 Smith Act, which still exist on the law books.

    Or expelled union leaders who are in violation of 1947 Taft and Hartley Act anti communist provision.

  • Just for optics, all the good guys need to be wearing as much white as possible, especially white hats, not dark or black hats. You have to use the same psy-op techniques that are used against us. Good guys wear white and bad guys wear black. That’s what the people identify with…what they have been trained for. Be smart in all ways and use their methods against them.

  • Boo

    Thanks for keeping us well informed. Looking forward to your next post:)

  • “A judge and 2 federal marshals”. That is so funny! Like the fedgov is going to commit suicide in oregon! The entire lamestream, and all the slimy slipery liberal left rags are all unified in wanting to see destruction, because they are all about sinsational news, and they give all their support to fedgov! They don’t know the constitution, and they don’t care! And that is where 95% of America gets its news! The whole of America has distanced itself (including alex, steve, dave, stewart, and all the others), and fedgov knows it! The patriots are begging people to go there, and know one is! Collectively, we are throwing them to the wolves! It’s just a matter of time before fedgov moves on them! And all those saying they will join the fight (no more free wacos, and mr. 1776), will run, and hide, as fast as they can! Yes, you will see shock, and a few will scream, but that is all! They’ve shown their colors for all to see! And then fedgov will be empowered to do whatever they want, because they will have all the proof they need that the public will do nothing about anything! And full on tyranny will commence!

  • Were they riding Bicycles, did they take a wrong turn, Got lost, cause they sure as hell haven’t made it there yet.

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