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By Luis Miranda, The Real Agenda
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The European Orwellian State

Sunday, January 3, 2016 17:09
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Europe first went through a political and economic conquest. Then, came the establishment of an interconnected surveillance state; and now, it is time to establish a continental police force. Many cities in the world make George Orwell’s 1984 look like a walk in the park. A veil of almost total surveillance and police state measures have been imposed on societies by the bureaucrats and its corporate cohorts. The invasion of privacy and the elimination of constitutional rights -in the name of security- have been gladly accepted by most people, who despite recent events, continue to see their governments as the only option to manage their own lives. The United States, Australia, Singapore and even some Latin American countries have caved in, in the face of the fear of ‘Islamic terror’, and adopted invasive policies, which leaders say, are necessary to protect us all from the threat of terrorism. Although the United States has been at the forefront of the rising police state by way of militarizing its police force, establishing illegal blacklists and secret databases that archive people’s phone calls, emails and internet usage, Europe has begun to compete with the U.S. in becoming the greatest Orwellian society in the western world. While Germany has been dutifully collaborating with the American-led surveillance apparatus, France has introduced constitution-violating measures excused by its politicians as preventive measures to combat terrorism. In the same line of thought, Britain has increased its own surveillance activity through GHCQ, which has been cooperating with the Americans and the Germans in sharing illegally gathered intelligence on its own citizens. Under the pretense of having to deal with a terrorist threat, European member- States have voluntarily surrendered their power to a dominant EU political body, which has eroded countries’ national sovereignty to the point it now wants to have a continent-wide police force to ‘ defend everyone’ from incoming terrorists. EU leaders agreed to form what they called a European Border Guard Force before June 2016. The proposal envisages giving this body the ability to deploy to a country if “serious and persistent deficiencies in border controls” are found. This decision is indeed ironic because the same European Union has allowed the entry of tens of thousands of immigrants, whose origins and intentions cannot be verified, and who, in many cases, have already committed acts of violence against the population of Europe. The Heads of State and Government of the European Union pledged Thursday to agree on the creation of a European corps of border guard before the end of next June, although there is a political agreement whose details must be negotiated in the coming months. The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, announced through his profile on a social network, the adoption of a text of conclusions on immigration at the European summit held in Brussels, but has not given details on its contents. European sources have told the press that the text reflects the “agreement” of the twenty-eight nations to form this body “before the end of the rotating EU presidency from the Netherlands”, which will be taken over by Luxembourg on 1 January. The idea of forming a body of European borders and coastguard was formally presented by the European Commission on Tuesday. The proposal seeks to give this body the ability to deploy to a country as a last resort if a “serious and persistent deficiency” is found in control its borders. Such a decision will be made by European kleptocrats, not the national representatives, and the criteria for such a deployment will also be at the discretion of European, un-elected con men who continue to push forward for the dissolution of nation-States. The project has been welcomed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande. Both have expressed their support for the project, which, however, arouses the suspicion of several Member States who see a threat to their sovereignty. In the discussion of European leaders, a “broad majority” has welcomed the proposal and expressed the willingness to take a decision “as soon as possible”, although it has become clear that there is “concern” over the sovereignty of the Member States and that this issue should be addressed in depth. Should Europe approve the creation of a continent-wide police force that can invade nation-States at the behest of kleptocratic interests, the EU would have their dreamed trifecta, since they have already conquered the political and geographic arenas. The only component missing from the European Orwellian State may soon come to fruition. As it was in George Orwell’s 1984, European people will be under the careful watch of a thug force that will not be present at the borders to prevent the entry of potential terrorists, but to help keep citizens in line.

The post The European Orwellian State appeared first on The Real Agenda News.

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