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Voting for Gary Johnson for President?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 16:33
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(Before It's News)

If one would take their time and really figure out who will make a great president between the main three parties on the ballet in 2016 they would come up with Gary Johnson.  The right handyman for the job at the right time. 

Gary Johnson, alias Mr. Veto. would get in office and veto anything that was not cost effective. Electing him would be sending a message to congress with great results making both partys work together. 

In the mean time President Gary Johnson can do wonders for the country just like he did for the state of New Mexico where he was the Governor for eight years. 

As a bonus Gary Johnson ran a boarder state and may hold the answer to the immigration problem.  

Since every one thinks he has zero chance of winning I may take the challenge to prove them wrong.   He only needs a little over a third of the votes. 

Rumor has it that a wealthy indivual know as an outside force is goig to bury treasue in the libertarian leaning seats in the
World Peace Political Center

All super packs are also welcome to bury money in the seats of the World Peace Political Center that agree with their way of thinking.  Just go to the outside forces page or the buried treasures page for details.

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