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 Zeus Is Alive and Haunting the Earth _ LaRouchePAC

Wednesday, January 6, 2016 14:24
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 Zeus Is Alive and Haunting the Earth | LaRouchePAC

The descent into barbarism today is not confined to the Middle East nations where ISIS is killing people, often by beheading, for their religious beliefs or for opposing the terrorist overthrow of governments. This satanic, murderous hatred of mankind is increasingly dominating the daily practice of Europe, South America, and the United States as well.

After the terrorists’ assault in San Bernadino, President Obama covered up for the orchestrators of that attack, just as he continues to cover up the Saudi orchestration of the 9/11 assault by refusing to release the 28 pages of the Congressional report which exposes the Saudi role in that act. On Tuesday, Obama shed tears while expanding on that cover-up, by play-acting that his proposed minor restraints on gun sales would somehow affect such terrorist attacks, even while Obama is also arranging the sale of massive lethal armaments to the Saudis to continue the slaughter of the people of Yemen, and to continue their arming of ISIS and the many branches of al Qaeda. Zeus would be proud of the the President’s kill rate.

In Germany on New Years Eve, while the population celebrated in front of the glorious Cologne Cathedral, a gang of approximately 1,000 men, mostly of Arab and African appearance, surrounded at least 90 women, robbing them, sexually molesting or even raping them, for nearly four hours, in plain sight, but apparently unobserved by the police, with the news only reaching the public after five days.

Lyndon LaRouche noted that, just as the British Monarchy control over the Saudi-sponsored terrorist operations world-wide has been clearly documented by EIR over many years, it must be recognized that only this same British Monarchy has the capacity, and the intent, to orchestrate such an atrocity. It is to be expected, as was intended by the Queen, that the atrocity will be blamed on the refugees from the genocidal “regime change” wars in Libya and Syria (wars which themselves were launched by the British and their pawn Obama), thus instigating more ethnic rage and hatred across Europe.

And Satan’s role within the UK itself is increasingly open to anyone who has their eyes, and their minds, open. It was revealed Tuesday that the British mandated their Foreign Office to take measures to condemn the use of the death penalty in those nations where it is still practiced — all such nations, that is, except Saudi Arabia, the barbaric “close ally” of the British and Obama. No matter that the Saudis just executed 47 people, including their country’s leading Shia cleric, for the crime of being Shia, thus perhaps unleashing sectarian war on an unprecedented scale across the region. The Saudi method of beheading their victims is but one of the Wahhabi practices shared by the Saudis and their ISIS creation.

Or, note that British Prime Minister Cameron this week justified the UK deal with the Saudis in 2013 to make the Saudi Kingdom a member of the UN Human Rights Council. Pressed on the deal by an interviewer who detailed the barbaric human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, Cameron blurted out: “We depend on the Saudis for critical intelligence and security information, and that’s the reason.” Again, Zeus is proud of his Satanic Children.

Obama, who is proud to draw up his weekly “kill list” for drone assassinations of Americans and others, must be removed from office immediately if the world is to survive. Once Satanism takes over in this fashion, civilizations can not long survive. Now that the European and American banking systems are unraveling, the death by economic means will expand exponentially, if Obama’s planned global war on Russia and China does not exterminate mankind first.

The solutions are at hand. The US and Europe must end the power of the British Empire once and for all, and, together with Russia and China, launch a new, international Renaissance based on the common aims of mankind. The decision lies with you.


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