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Alex Jones: Elite Are Going To Kill Trump!

Monday, February 22, 2016 10:21
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(Before It's News)


By Lisa Haven 

In the video below Infowars’ Alex Jones speaks with an active duty military/police officer about his fears that the elite are about to pull a JFK on Donald Trump if he continues to expose their fraud and corruption on national tv. The fact of the matter is, if Trump is for real, which I believe he is, then he is truly putting his life on the line exposing things like 9/11, the New World Order, and more.   


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Total 28 comments
  • G

    I think Trump will eat a tainted filet Mignon and expired from the race.

    Maybe a stray bullet for good measures as well.

    • Trump is probably just another NWO puppet. They leave nothing to chance. The Dem. or Rep. nominee could win and it wouldn’t make any difference. The system itself must be fixed so we can get a real candidate that actually has good intentions.

      • yeah, if he’s been authorized to run as a candidate, you can be sure his ideas are in complete accordance with the dreadful few.

        • Agreed. I’m surprised at how so many people on this site are so quick to be a cheerleader for him.

  • I hope the Military will help protect Trump. They have the resources and intelligent sources to help keep him safe.

    • bizarre comment, he is not currently employed by the government, what right does he have use military resources at this point.

      • Actually you’re comment is stupid. The military has a patriotic sworn duty to protect American citizens, and especially Presidential candidates. Trump is also currently protected by the US Secret Service.

        • The same “Secret police” that “Protected” JFK??
          Guess Trump Will Be Toast Soon enough then :lol:

  • Real Time ~ Arm Elite
    Olive Tree ~ Over Elite
    Olive Tree ~ RE: Vote Eli

    • The Olive Tree ~ There Eve Toil
      The Olive Tree ~ RE: Le Hot VI Tee

  • Hello Angle#1,

    Charlie here. I can only say one thing about it. THIS WILL NOT BE GOOD!! In every way one can think of. People think differently now. Have too much at stake, know too much (due to the internet).

    The outcome might be very different from a JFK assassination. Historians will later have a field day analyzing the fall of America. It’s destruction by a skinny Muslim sodomite negro unfit and unqualified for the job.

    Possibly from a civil war, the ironic legacy of the negro?? A curse for every generation? Liberalism is a DESTRUCTIVE force on people. The negro has been looking for every excuse to declare martial law and gun confiscation.

    He is, as MS said, A PSYCHO!! However, I don’t believe a negro can be a psycho. Not smart enough. But being dumb? Yeah, that makes more sense. In my observance of life I have seen more idiots bring down something than psychos.


    Charlie (creator of the first psycho-delic doughnut. On display at the Museum of Natural Doughnuts) :lol:

  • Trump may be doing that to cover himself to some degree.

    In other words, there might be a motivation for being nothing but the lead candidate and the PTB realize he is not on their side. By hinting at a broader agenda and exposure, he is planting the seed to mainstream America that if something happens to him, look very carefully and now understand why.

    He may be smarter than we believe.

  • The Admiral\'s Corner

    Yeah right. More like he’ll fake his death by letting his plane crash and go underground to hide from Armageddon.

    TRUMP IS AN ELITE! This presidential campaign of his is all a farce to help his pal Hillary get back in the White House. He’ll be sitting pretty in a bunker watching us all kill each other off on a big screen plasma TV passing the popcorn around with the Obamas.

    You want to know what Trump is all about? Take his money away… Then see if anyone takes his lying manipulative a$$ seriously.

    • He’s just a big mouth, big hair, big head, lots of dough and no real brains. If (if the operative) he gets elected (god forbid), he’ll have to fall in line like all the others did.

  • You “click” money maker, you could side with the enemy? (Lisa not in Haven)
    No diff?

    • You are talking (The Vatican (hierarchy)) Beyond this totally: The Rothschild’s – the Harriman’s – the Bushes – the Clintons and you exclude the skull and bones and cia (same as 322)

    • What you call the Elite is not the elite merely a front, several fronts hide the real puppet master from the public.

    • Continue to peal the so called Elite and we reach soft tissue.

  • No doubt Trump has the best security money can buy. Balls :!:

    • I don’t think large testicles will stop a sniper rifle round. Kennedy had some big balls too but he ended up with no brains. :!:

      • JFK did not have a counsel carry permit .

  • If this happens, there will be a revolt.

  • It’s cute how he thinks that Trump isn’t already a part of that same elite.

    OH YEA


  • They wouldn’t do such an obvious retaliatory stupidity. They may try to use him for their advantage. Knowing that Trump has obvious chance to win the election, they will do everything to cox him into their global agenda. It will be a matter of how far Trump will willingly go along with them.

  • I wish them luck . He has a counsel carry permit for a 357 desert eagle

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