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Getting Closer to Being Sorry I Ever Promoted John Oliver

Monday, February 1, 2016 11:10
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“Finally, Fake News Done Right,” I proclaimed. John Oliver had gone after nukes, prisons, income inequality, internet censors, and climate destroyers. He has since gone after many other evils. But — apart from the nukes — as far as I've seen it's never war, not at length and not briefly.

In fact, Oliver likes to joke that peace is boring, wants people to throw mangos at the head of the president of Venezuela, supported a coup in Ukraine and hostile lies about Russia, mocks peace and Japan, and wants the U.S. to control the South China Sea while making fun of China. He thinks U.S.-Iranian relations were good in the 70s and that Iran is trying to create nuclear weapons.

While he once made fun of the CIA, his only mention of the primary activity of the U.S. government (war) that I know of was making fun of Obama for being too reluctant when killing people. He does mention Israeli wars and Korean hostilities, pushing a false equivalence in both cases.

But he does get angry and promote hatred in response to violence done by Muslims, and proclaim European superiority to them.

The best he's done has been to go after drones. But drones are one weapon used to kill lots of people. What about the general practice of killing lots of people?

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