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Hi we're Treyf Podcast

Thursday, February 18, 2016 10:10
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(Before It's News)

And this is our 13th episode!


We’re the co-hosts of a Montreal-based podcast called Treyf (hat tip to CKUT 90.3FM). Every two weeks, we reflect on the political discussions that are happening (and not happening) in Jewish communities in North America. We will be posting the shows here as they’re released.

For a little context, we started the show out of a sense that existing Jewish media doesn’t adequately reflect the anti-colonial politics and leftist political orientation that informs our relationships to Jewishness. 

On the most recent episode (13 :Mizrahi-Washing and Dave Zirin Returns!) we called Ilan Benattar from Jews for Racial and Economic Justice’s Mizrahi caucus to talk about a Tablet Magazine article and the concept of Mizrahi-washing. After some technical issues the first time around, Dave Zirin joined us for the interview, discussing Zionism and Palestine solidarity activism in the NBA. And finally, our recommendation went to the recent New York Times parody issue distributed by JVP/Jews Say No. We spoke to Beth Miller about the project.

You can click here to listen to previous episodes or subscribe on any podcast app. Or if you hate audio but love social media, follow us on TwitterFacebook, and Tumblr. If you have any commnets or suggestions, you can reach us at [email protected]

Warm Militant Greetings,

Sam and David


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