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Reform Party Starts New Store Through Zazzle

Friday, February 26, 2016 21:31
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Link to Original Press Release:

For Immediate Release – In its bid to raise funds for the 2016 campaign cycle, the Reform Party of the United States has launched a new online store through Zazzle. The link to this store is

This online store has a selection of over 400 designs that can be placed on thousands of items. The party used its popular paddle ad as one of the designs, and item featuring it are in high demand. The store also hosts items featuring several variants of the Reform Party logo, historical campaign artwork, and other graphics that are popular with the Reform Party membership.

The Reform Party is using the proceeds to fund its 2016 activities. These activities include the upcoming convention in Bohemia New York, funding for the Presidential general election campaign, and general outreach efforts. As it vies to gain ballot lines, the Reform Party is hoping that funds can be used to build parties in easy ballot access states. The Reform Party collects a ten percent net profit on each item sold.

The original Reform Party online store through Queensboro is still active, and still makes money. The web address for that store is

The Reform Party is also taking donations from those that do not wish to buy merchandise. If someone wishes to contribute to the Reform Party, or find out more about the party, it is possible to find out how at The information on the website informs contributors how to donate by sending a check through the mail, and how to donate using Paypal.

“Since the recent successes in New York,” said National Secretary Nicholas Hensley, citing the electoral victories in New York State, “the Reform Party has seen an uptick in contributions and merchandise sales. It is our hope that we can raise enough money to expand on this success, and build our presence in other states”.

For More Information Contact:
Nicholas Hensley
[email protected]

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