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Rep. Todd Young to remain on Indiana Senate primary ballot.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:06
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(Before It's News)

David Brooks, attorney for U.S. Rep. Todd Young, hands out evidence during a Indiana Election Commission hearing Friday, Feb. 19, 2016, in Indianapolis. The commission was hearing arguments over whether Republican U.S. Rep. Todd Young's name can stay on the ballot for the state's open U.S. Senate seat. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

Background: last week Republican candidate Rep. Todd Young’s right to be on the Indiana Senate primary ballot was challenged by both the Indiana Democratic party and rival Republican candidate Rep. Marlin Stutzman for supposedly having an insufficient number of signatures.  The case went to the Indiana Election Commission, which decided in a 2-2 split that Young could stay on the ballot.  Open question whether anybody will appeal that, although the language in the article implies that they won’t.

…And that’s pretty much it.  Just a reminder that there are in fact other elections going right now besides the dumpster fire goat rodeo that the Presidential primaries have become.  In this case, there’s both the seat that Senator Coates is leaving, and Governor Mike Pence’s re-election campaign (and, of course, the usual House races).  You probably should be tracking them, particularly if you live in Indiana.  Because it’s all connected, and we have elections for a reason.

Moe Lane

The post Rep. Todd Young to remain on Indiana Senate primary ballot. appeared first on RedState.


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