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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Syrian Refugees admitted since Paris attack: 2 Christians, 602 Muslims

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 5:43
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(Before It's News)

Way past due to do a post on the sad state of Christians in the Middle East. Sad, because we just learn what the U.S. is resettling here. Not the Christians. But Muslims. Muslims settled in our hinterlands with who knows what agenda. And not a peep from our Congress. Here we go:

The government has admitted 605 Syrian refugees for resettlement in the United States since last November’s Paris terrorist attack, two of whom are Christians.

“Isn’t it already proven that Mr. Baghdadi is sending people with this flow of refugees that are terrorists that – in order to inflict further attacks on Europe and the United States?” Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) asked him, referring to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

“That’s correct,” Clapper replied. “That’s one technique they’ve used is taking advantage of the torrent of migrants to insert operatives into that flow.”

In addition, he continued, ISIS has become “pretty skilled at [producing] phony passports, so they can travel ostensibly as legitimate travelers as well.”

The rest who have been admitted are 589 Sunni Muslims, 10 Shia Muslims, three other Muslims, and one refugee identified in State Department Refugee Processing Center data as “other religion.”

Just 55 Christians (1.9 percent) are among the 2,769 Syrian refugees admitted since March 2011, while a large majority – 2,594 (93.6 percent) – has been Sunni Muslims.

Other non-Muslims among the Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S. since the war began include small numbers of Baha’i (2), Yazidis (1), Jehovah’s Witnesses (8), Zoroastrians (6), atheists (3) and Syrians who have self-identified as having no religion (7). More at CNS News

Some other of my previous posts that may be of interest:

Imported Syrian Muslims coming now to a city near you

‘Refugee resettlement’ and your town. Find out here.

Obama threatens States ‘You can’t refuse Syrian refugees’

DHS Johnson: We Don’t Know ‘a Whole Lot’ About Syrian Refugees Coming to US Through UN Program

Obama includes 3 million new immigrant workers this year, record Syrians in the plan

Filed under: Immigration, War on Terror Tagged: Christians, Muslims, Paris attack, Refugees


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