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By Occidental Dissent
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Ted Nugent Names The Jew

Friday, February 12, 2016 21:21
% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.

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Yeah, me neither.

The cucks at National Review are pretty upset though:

“Ted Nugent should resign from the board of the National Rifle Association. And if he does not, he should be pushed from his position. This week, in the course of “defending” the right to keep and bear arms, Nugent enthusiastically shared a choice piece of anti-Semitic propaganda. Then, shamefully, he refused to acknowledge or to address his mistake. If Nugent wants to behave like a fool, that is, of course, his prerogative. But he must do so in quarantine, a long, long way from the rest of us …”

Note: Remember, Charles C.W. Cooke wants us to think twice before condemning pedophiles.


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