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Trump lawyer warns Nevada GOP to keep an eye on Cruz tactics

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 22:00
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Trump lawyer warns Nevada GOP to keep an eye on Cruz tactics | 23 Feb 2016 | A lawyer for Donald Trump's presidential campaign has warned Nevada Republican officials to keep close tabs on potential caucus night “shenanigans” from Ted Cruz's camp. Citing a Wall Street Journal report that said Cruz's staff had instructed supporters to put their phones in “video mode” and record “anything that looks suspicious,” Trump's counsel suggested the Texas senator's campaign could seek to intimidate caucusgoers. “We find this information especially troubling given Senator Cruz and his campaign's track record of election shenanigans,” Donald F. McGahn II wrote on Monday in a letter addressed to state party chairman Michael McDonald. The letter also asked that the state GOP “clarify whether or not such taping is permissible at the Caucuses, given that it appears potentially to be in contravention of federal and state law.”


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