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Wouldn’t You Like More Ads Like ‘Stop’

Thursday, February 18, 2016 14:39
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(Before It's News)

Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas speaks to supporters on primary election night, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016, in Hollis, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas speaks to supporters on primary election night, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016, in Hollis, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

The presidential Campaign of Sen. Ted Cruz is out with a powerful new ad entitled “Stop.” But before we look at the ad, lets complain about negative ads. People hate and complain about negative political ads. When they ask why so many ads are negative the response is always that negative ads work. When campaign strategists say negative ads work they mean voters remember the negative ads more than they remember the positive ones.

If you think you are seeing more negative ads during this presidential campaign you are right. As of  April 9, 2015, 96 percent of the 321 2016 presidential election-related ads that had been on TV were negative:

That’s right — just 4% have been about promoting a positive message for the future. The rest have been about tarring the other side.

This is a change from previous presidential campaigns:

By this point in the 2008 and 2012 cycles, all the way-too-early ads that had aired (except for a few retreads from previous cycles that wound up on the air either by mistake or in haste) sought to build candidates up, not tear them down.

Fox News reports that in Iowa this presidential campaign, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio were each targeted in 13 negative ads, more than any of the other candidates. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was only hit with five. Cruz produced more negative ads than any other candidate, but a single Trump spot attacking Cruz on immigration aired 1,377 times — among the highest of all negative ads. The single most-aired negative ad was paid for by a  Bush-supporting Super PAC attacking Rubio for flip-flopping on a variety of issues.

So it’s nice to see ad like the Cruz Campaign’s “Stop” — a positive 60 second message launched Thursday. In the ad, Cruz restates his commitment to standing with the American people and not Washington dealmakers, while laying out his positive, conservative vision for America. You can watch the ad below:

 CRUZ: Washington deals. It’s why we have a $19 trillion debt.

Some candidates have promised to cut more deals with the Democrats. Others already have. I won’t.

Washington deals are bankrupting our kids and grand kids. It has to stop.

I’ve stood up to the Washington lobbyists – like when I took on the ethanol mandate in Iowa. They said it was political suicide. My opponents attacked me, promising more cronyism and more corporate welfare.

I didn’t back down… and we won.

As President I will say no to amnesty, repeal ObamaCare, abolish the IRS and defend the Constitution.

When Washington deal makers push, I won’t flinch.

I will stand firm with the American people, whether Washington likes it or not.

VOICEOVER: No wonder conservatives like Rush Limbaugh are saying:

RUSH: “…There is no other choice for you in this campaign than Ted Cruz.”

“This is the closest in our lifetimes we have ever been to Ronald Reagan.”

CRUZ: I’m Ted Cruz, and I approve this message.

The ad is currently running statewide in South Carolina. Let’s hope we see more powerful and positive ads like this from all the campaigns.

The post Wouldn’t You Like More Ads Like ‘Stop’ appeared first on RedState.


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