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Al Jazeeza’s Mehdi Hasan asks the Saudi ambassador – “Why Support Democracy in Syria but Not Saudi Arabia?”

Sunday, March 27, 2016 16:50
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Al Jazeeza Presenter to Saudi Ambassador – “Why Support Democracy in Syria but Not Saudi Arabia?” | Liberty Blitzkrieg

Michael Krieger

This past week, Al Jazeera presenter Mehdi Hasan sat down with Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the UN. He asked him a very pointed question regarding why he supports democracy in Syria but not in Saudi Arabia.

It’s a great question, and let’s just say the answer was not at all convincing.

Too much media these days merely serves as public relations for the status quo. What Mr. Hasan does in this interview is exactly what journalists are supposed to be doing, but very rarely do in these United States…………..Speak truth to power.

Well done Mr. Hasan. The entire interview can be watched here.


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