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Bill Clinton Praises John Kasich For His Stance on the Second Amendment

Sunday, March 13, 2016 12:08
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(Before It's News)

John Kaisch has three selling points in his campaign:

  1. He is the governor of Ohio, an important swing state.
  2. He spent a lot of time in Washington D.C. balancing budgets, chilling with Reagan, etc.
  3. He can work across the aisle.

His time in Washington D.C. allowed him to really get things done, he says, and that’s great. The question is, did Kasich represent conservative values while in D.C.? The answer may surprise you.

Well, I guess that answers that.

Apparently, Bill Clinton wrote a nice letter, thanking Kasich for his support of an assault weapons ban. Kasich doesn’t really mention this on the trail, does he? Though I guess that is really what he means when he says he will work across the aisle with the other side.

The post Bill Clinton Praises John Kasich For His Stance on the Second Amendment appeared first on RedState.


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