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BREAKING: Belgian Police Release Photo of Brussels Terrorists From Airport Before Attack

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 9:33
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(Before It's News)

Belgian police have released this photo showing three terrorists moving through the Brussels airport today pushing luggage carts.


The toll in the Brussels attack now stands at 31 dead and over 150 injured. This image, captured by CCTV and release by Belgian authorities moments ago, shows the terrorists as they were preparing to attack.

Walking through the airport, presumably with their weapons of death in the carts and on their persons. They are looking around at those they intend to kill. Those among whom they walk freely, unaccosted, and not suspect. Those who treat them with respect and offer them the liberty they use as cover for their murder. That is their faces.

That is ISIS. Take a look. They blend right in.

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  • This is BS. In a “real” investigation, they would not let on that they knew who the attackers “were”….let alone release photos to the public, unless, they’re attempting to manipulate a narrative. We are to be afraid….very afraid, which will give the globalist regimes a reason, and more power, to take away more of our rights in order to keep us “safe”. We’re already seeing it happen just hours after the “attack”.

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