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AMERICANS! Are you ready for the 1st Latino President America? “RAFAEL EDWARD CRUZ”. “Ted” is using a FAKE FIRST NAME to FOOL YOU ALL and “RAFAEL EDWARD CRUZ” is his REAL NAME! There is no “Ted” and the history books will show “Rafael Edward Cruz” and NOT “TED”.
Anyone that is keeping up on reality of the media focusing on the First Woman President, do you know that there is a LATINO AMERICAN IN THE RUNNING for the White House? A Latino American AS PRESIDENT! See how you have all been looking one way; while the Powers That Be are SECRETLY trying to place a Latino named RAFAEL into the Oval Office? Do you see why Mitt Romney and the “Establishment” are making as many waves as they can to distract you from this FACT!
Do you know that “Ted” Cruz is not his REAL Birth Name? Imagine that. How many of you really knew this? His REAL name is “Rafael Edward Cruz”, so now do you now why he doesn’t use “Rafael?” That is NOT AN AMERICAN Sounding name now is it, and imagine how hard it is to be elected to any US Government Office as “Rafael”? But “Ted”, that’s American. See how easily you are fooled by a fake name? But that is not the only “Fake” thing about him.
Original Story by Rob. Share but please link back and give credit for this Original News Creation.
Why hasn’t anyone ever stated that Ted Cruz’s wife, is THE TOP LEVEL VICE PRESIDENT or CEO Advisor at GOLDMAN SACHS? We all know that Goldman Sachs is the #1 Lobbyist Banking firm on Wall Street, and the top criminal business organization against getting Donald Trump into the White House. So why doesn’t any single media outlet expose this DARK SECRET to the Public? What is everyone hiding and why?
Just for the record, everyone in the media and campaigns each took a “VOW” to keep all spouses out of the race, and its between the individuals, but since Ted Cruz’s wife physically is/was the Vice President top level CEO inside the criminally known Lobbyist group called “Goldman Sachs”, why hasn’t anyone cared, and why hasn’t this ever been brought up in the mainstream media? HISTORIC COVERUP! Remember, Goldman Sachs received a 5 Billion Dollar US Government Bailout in 2008, and have many “Superpacks” and some of the MOST LOBBYISTS IN Washington DC! Oh, didn’t you know (OR REMEMBER) that Heidi Cruz was the Vice President of Goldman Sachs during the very Bailout back in 2008? So Heidi Cruz, where did that money go? As VP of them, YOU KNOW and pocketed how many $100s of millions?
Does the public really know that Teds wife Heidi, is a full time, high level CEO Executive or Vice Presidnet inside Wall Streets Goldman Sachs today? Why should anyone care? You see, since Ted is always going after Donald Trump about all the “Donations” he made to all politicians in the past, yet, he was not a Politician at the time? We have a candidate in Ted Cruz who’s very wife is at the highest levels inside “Goldman Sachs”! Does anyone else see how insane this is, yet not one person, nor the media is talking about this bombshell?
2 Minute Criminal Linked Positions
Is this purposely to fool the public into believing that Ted Cruz does NOT have any lobbyist ties? I never recall in any debate that anyone ever called Ted Cruz out on where he gets his “Lobbyist” donations; let alone that his very wife that he goes home to bed with is a upper high level Golden Sachs official! Does anyone not see that it is in his best interest to not disclose this to the public? But what influence can a spouse be to their husbands; regardless who they are getting paid income from? Do you see all the criminal intentions by sleeping with the very enemy in the “Lobbyists” they are supposedly trying to “protect” its party and the US People? This lifetime marrage between Ted Cruz, Goldman Sachs, and the running of the US Government will never ever be seperated, and will forever be present in Ted Cruz’s Government Service. Do you think that Ted would not give favors to his wife for profit, when his very wife is the Vice President of Goldman Sachs? This will forever leave open the door for Ted to favor his wife, and that of public finanicial gain with a private business that can never be dispelled
Heidi Cruz’s Rise to Power –
To fully understand the depths of Heidi Cruz and all her underground ties between many criminal actions we see going on in both public and private, she was a “hired gun” for:
- Goldman Sachs – Vice President
- GOV Council on Foriegn Relations (NAFTA) (Undermining Americas Sovereignty)
- Member of Future of North America Treaty (merging US with Mexico into 1 Nation)
- Economic Director under Condoleezza Rice
- Director US Treasury Department for Latin America (Drug $ Laundry)
- Merrill Lynch (Energy (Oil, Coal) Investment Banker)
- JP Morgan Investment Banker
Direct involvement in Destroying America As We Know It
So Mr Cruz, when are you going to disclose all your superpacks, in detail, and all who you are taking money from to support your campaign? So you tell me that your wife does not have any ounce of influence on you and your campaign, when she goes and comes home from her VP position inside Goldman Sachs each day? What about when she gets her paycheck, and all her bonus monies? You tell me that they do not physically affect you and your life in any way, and you are not giving her, nor them, “Extra” silent support behind the scenes? We all see that you are only trying to cover up and hide your “Lobbyist” ties. Can I say “Conflict of Interest”?
Ted Cruz has spent many years inside the Government, but can we really ask what makes him any better then any other worthless, self interested elected official we have today? Nothing really if you look at all the worthless facts. Lets say what impact have you done to form your country say in the last 7 years? Nothing, like each and every politicians in Washington. All talk and not one shred of physical evidence on paper that increased a single legal citizens life. You and all US criminal gov officials provide more support and services to all illegals, above and beyond actual legal citizens born in the nation.
Hates Big Banks/Lobbyists while Supporting Goldman Sachs
Mr Cruz, what have you and your entire Republician party done in the last 7+ years? Did you forget that during the first term of President Obama, you as a party failed to pass anything and you blamed it on not having “Control” of both houses. But have you forgotten, the Republication party has had “Control” of both houses for several years, yet you and your party have done NOTHING? You failed to produce a single law (Or BLOCK) to help the country as you each promised. So where are all the change to the US since you control both sides of the house? Oh yeah, you produce nothing, and “We The People” see and know it, so what really makes you better then the Democatic party? Nothing! You both have the exact same agenda to keep the power elite corporation grip on the US, and not once improved our nation. So where are all the “Fight” you said you would do to “Control” Obama? Nothing! Plain and simple – You did nothing!
Who says that Donald Trump does not have to experience of being President? Who really does? So just like each and every politician running for office today, not a single one of them have 1 second of Presidential Experience. So just because a politican has a “job” inside, does that automatically mean they are more “Experienced” and worthy of that position?
For example, say you are a janitor in a school, and have been for many years. So now a position opens up to run that school, so just because you were the janitor for many years, you are trying to tell everyone you are most qualified for that position, and any “outside” is not? Let’s say someone from the outside has many more experiences and a proven documented history, why should you say they are not qualified? Don’t you understand that bringing in a outsider benefits the entire system, by not being molded from within in the same old values, and how its done? Bringing in new ideas and points of views only makes the stale system renewed again. You see, all politicans in this were janitors, who we all see don’t even know how to keep the bathrooms clean; but instead, mold each janitior to the same dirty low standards so they all can claim its clean on how they were taught, and how they do it.
Why are “Leap Years” all President Election Years?
So Ted Cruz, why don’t you talk about where you get your entire family’s funds from? Since you have to file joint tax returns, you tell us that you have no idea what your wife does? Don’t you think that your wife will do all she can in her life to do that best job she can from her employer; who just happens to be “GOLDEN SACHS”? So you tell me your wife does not have a single ounce of influence over you to help her career; which in turn, puts money into your very own family’s bank account? Do you see that “Conflict of Interest”; yet you are trying to cover it up so the mass public does not know of your income? Mr Cruz, have you opened and given your tax returns for the people to review? Probably not because it would show that Goldman Sachs pays for your very suit and tie which you wear on stage.
Bedroom Romp Antic’s. US Nations Politicians Sleeping with Lobbyists (Goldman Sachs VP)
Ted Cruz also attacks Donald Trump on his changing opinions and support in his path, yet he fails to comprehend that Donald Trump was no politican at the time. Just like any American who is not in politics, they say and do things as a private person; yet Ted Cruz spins it like everything he did was as he does; as a politican. Mr Trump was a private person, performing business deals, and supported 1000s of politicians over his lifetime in business. That is not illegal and was great business practices. So Mr Cruz, who were you donors over the years? How much have you recieved and will you open your accountant books to the public to review? The difference it you were a politican all this time and were required to give them, yet as a private person, Mr Trump did not. Mr Trump is known to be a great successful businessman, yet you and all politicans are each viewed as criminals, who were elected into office by its people. Each politican have failed 100% in their oaths and their failure to make our communities better and safe.
Do you know why Mitt Romney Does Not want to support Ted Cruz? It is because Mitt Romney IS THE PRESIDENT OF “BAIN CAPITAL” finanical Group on Wall Street, and Ted’s wife’s “Goldman Sachs” is fighting against them on Wall Street for the US Government criminal Bribes/Control. Also, Mitt is the President over the entire Republican Party, and he wants his “Bain Capital” Corportion in the Presidents positions over that of Ted’s wifes “Goldman Sachs”! How more plain can it be presented? We all know its criminal on all levels, but if you don’t comprehend the players and their financial interests, how can you make a HONEST decision? Whats the worse of both of those evils? You see, Mitt would rather “SPLIT” his financial gains with Hillary Clinton, rather then Goldman Sachs. You see, if you don’t understand why one party does not like the other, why don’t anyone of you do any actual research to find out?
Mitt Claiming he has No Lobbyist Ties
So Ted Cruz, why do you feel you have to hide your wifes job position from the public, and are afraid to admit what she does in her job? Are you ashamed of what she does, or are you covering up what she does, and who she works for? You see, the American people have a right to know what kind of First Lady we would have if elected to the highest office. Imagine what the people will think once they find out she is the VP of Goldman Sachs (aka contributor/insider), at the highest levels? Then lets not forget the years she spent inside the Bush White House and her Government position there. Dept of Treasury Money laundering in Latin America’s Drug Money. NAFTA and participant in merging the US, Mexico and Canada into one Nation; under one equal money currency. Understand now why the US Gov is not, and has not built the Mexico wall; nor stopping slowing the migration into our nation? Understand the goal is to increase Mexico’s value and decrease the US’s value so it balances out; thus creating a Northern Amrican Alliance?
Just like the European Union (EU) where they all merged into one money banking system, the North American Alliance is exactly the same. Why? Because the Rothschild banking is trying to control the entire world, and that is what you each are seeing today! How more clear can it be with the TPP and the illegal laws Obama signed on international deals that we did not support, nor know about! Photo 7 Mr Cruz, you are sleeping and walking on your criminal Line side of your marrage and who you are physically in bed with every night = Goldman Sachs. You are a typical politician who has the need to hide who you are associated with, because if the public really knew of your close marrage ties with the criminal acting Goldman Sachs, the entire population would turn on you. You sir are truly sleeping with the Peoples enemy each and every night. You then go on paid holidays, or business meetings, thanks to Goldman Sachs. Your wife travels the world and paid for by Goldman Sachs, and many times, you go along, so you are directly privately benefiting for one of the Largest Wall Street Lobbyest groups. Not only are you watching out for them, but you have a personal financial best interest each moment of every day, the public does not know.
Ted’s Flip Flops in his own Words
Understand readers of this, this is exactly how criminal corruption works. You see by not giving all the facts in ones life, you are each painted a false picture of reality without their spouse. Now if you add in ones very spouse and their life, you see how the picture really looks. See the illusion that is painted for you to view by your politicans and Government? They only tell you one slight part of it, yet they hide and distract the rest of the story/picture so you do not put 1 and 1 together to see their criminal illegal actions, or their deception on issues? This is exactly how the US Government and all politicans were taught to do. Only give one positive side, knowingly concealling the bad sides.
So people, how can you elect a future president if you do not know any backstory on their family, and their “ties” with criminal organizations? So if you elect Ted (aka “Rafael”) Cruz as President, you tell me that our First Lady and all her interworkings, positions, and who signs her paychecks to buy their way into office will not affect You? Why don’t we each have a right to know who their spouses are? You see, this is one giant coverup to fool the public into thinking Ted is honest; when you add in all his spouses criminal “connections” and influences, and who will benefit from them, only then do you see the “REAL” all around picture of the story. Having only one small sample, and all the corruption hidden under all the other rocks are important, and do have a direct impact on what to expect.
Cruz’ Lobbyist Interests Hiding in Plain Open and No One Seems to Know This Lie!?
So what really can you physically see that Ted Cruz did while in Government office? I have not shred of evidence I can 100% say he was a part of that made our nation better. All talk and they can not provide a single shred of evidence of their achievements. With Donald Trump, atleast you know he has no special interest “Lobbiests” he favors to push their agenda. Self funding means he answers to no one but himself, and why he has never been caught in a lie, and has always said the same things over and over. Yet those in politic’s today, especially Rubio, Cruz and Clinton, can not say the exact same things more then once, on the fly. You see, they have told so many straight out lies that they forget what they said, and continually lie to the people.
This posting was to prove to you that Ted Cruz in all sense of the word “SLEEPS” each night with the “Lobbyest” Wall Street financial Institute “Goldman Sachs”. Anyone that knows corruption, or Wall Street, or straight out criminal activites inside the banking world, and inside poltic’s automatically thinks of “Goldman Sachs” as #1. Yet Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, is the Vice President of them! Can you imagine that? So ask yourselves “WHY” you haven’t been told, nor is any media outlet providing any “NEWS” of this Conflict of interest.
You see the game being played, and never forget, 90+% of all printed and broadcast media in America, is owned by only 3 individuals. You see, only 3 people “Control” all you know and are told; and each “Conforms” its content to mislead you. Remember when “News” meant just that-the News; and they let the viewers decide for themselves? But today, “News” is nothing more then “Entertainment”; to keep the viewers watching to increase their ratings. Without a large viewership, they could not sell commercials and “News” alone is not good enough money for them.
There is no differences from watching “News” today then watching “Honey Boo Boo” or “Real Life of…”, or any reality program. They each are scripted, just like Ted Cruz and his direct bedroom connections with Goldman Sachs. Reality is not at all real.
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