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Donald Trump Lays a Mob-Style Threat on Another Republican

Friday, March 4, 2016 10:10
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(Before It's News)

First, Donald Trump capped off his Super Tuesday victory speech with a not-very-veiled threat against Paul Ryan, that if Ryan did not get along with him, “he would pay a heavy price.” Trump apparently isn’t done making mob-style threats against members of a co-equal branch of government to the Presidency, because after hearing that John McCain echoed Mitt Romney’s criticisms of him, Trump had this to say:

Trump: I didn’t know that he [McCain].. he better, you know, I’m sure that…

REPORTER: He said that he agreed with what Romney said.

Trump: Oh, he did? Well, that’s not nice. So he has to be very careful. Uh…


Trump: He’ll find out.

I take a backseat to no one in terms of criticizing John McCain but this is absolutely ridiculous. Donald Trump is a menace to Democracy and must not be allowed near the White House, at any cost.

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Total 1 comment
  • What Trumps said did not sound to me like a mob style threat.

    Trump usually exposes to the world his attackers ‘faults’ when they attack him through their speech.

    When a person is attacked it’s ok to fight off the attacker.

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