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Infowars Nightly News: Friday (3-11-16)

Friday, March 11, 2016 21:42
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Infowars Nightly News: Friday (3-11-16) – YouTube



How Pointless “News” Took Over Television
TMZ now puts out more meaningful content than many news agencies.

Drone Swarms coming to a Town Near You!

This week we learned that the US government has been using drones on domestic surveillance operations. But thats not all, we also learn this week that the US government has been working on autonomous drone ‘swarms’. This new technology will create such a drastic paradigm shift it’s difficult for anyone to predict the results.

Barack Obama: The Divide And Conquer President

Mark Tapson of Truth Revolt posed the question “What planet is he living on?” in regards to President Obama’s complete disregard for his blatant undertaking of dividing the country based on race. This rhetoric was regurgitated during a ceremony welcoming Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the White House. Trudeau presides over a Canada where radical Islamic Imam’s openly preach division and the conquering of their host.

What is it that instantly angers most American’s about Obama’s statements? Is it that we ALL side with the Republican party? Is it that we are ALL racist against Obama, regardless of the fact that he won by a landslide twice?

Hardly, the anger boiling within the average American stems from a total rejection of the diatribe spewed out by a delusional sycophantic elitist pawn. Obama hasn’t just divided Americans on race. Obama has fundamentally torn Americans from their Constitutional rights and their tax dollars. Blatantly legitimizing and modifying the crimes of the Bush and Clinton Presidencies. Obama is a total globalist sell out, a liar, and a fraud and most Americans aside from liberal zealots and the uninformed see right through his charade.

Drone Catches Obama Motorcade In Austin

As his presidency winds down Barack Obama paid a visit to Austin Texas during SXSW to tie up the already horrible traffic, recruit young technocrats into the NSA panopticon family and then attend two fundraisers one at a private home where the one of the hosts once scared an Austin City Councilman after he voted not to give tax breaks to her husbands business.

UN Sanctions Sex Predators
Sexual misconduct has long been an issue at the UN. Now, there are moves to put an end to the abuse.………
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