Best I have seen on BIN yet. Do you notice that Hillary looked quite a bit like Hitler? Why can’t we get more truth and credible stuff on BIN like this? But, nooooooo…..we have to put up with Brother “Erasure Head” Hodges and the like.
God Bless Grover For Posting This Factual Behind The Scenes Expose.
Hahahahaha Hahahahaha EXCELLENT ! Hahahahaha Hahahahaha most truthful article I’ve ever seen on BIN ned.
Best I have seen on BIN yet. Do you notice that Hillary looked quite a bit like Hitler? Why can’t we get more truth and credible stuff on BIN like this? But, nooooooo…..we have to put up with Brother “Erasure Head” Hodges and the like.
God Bless Grover For Posting This Factual Behind The Scenes Expose.