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Lyin’ Ted Can Never Be Allowed to be the President- Seven Pictures Tell Why

Thursday, March 24, 2016 12:31
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(Before It's News)






lying ted


lyin ted becomes copycat ted


But he called Trump Islaaphobic

But he called Trump Islamaphobic


Lyin' Ted bought by the same corporations that he is pledging to fight against in order to return American jobs to the country

Lyin’ Ted bought by the same corporations that he is pledging to fight against in order to return American jobs to the country


"I will bring jobs back to America" Lyin' Ted

“I will bring jobs back to America” Lyin’ Ted said.


lyin ted sleeping with the enemy



Too late Donald, Dave Hodges has already spilled those beans, more than once!

Too late Donald, Dave Hodges has already spilled those beans, more than once!


lyin ted wll street loan 

In a pig's eye

In a pig’s eye


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Total 34 comments
  • The last sign should of read TRUSTED BUSTED! :lol:

    • b4

      BREAKING NEWS–NATIONAL ENQUIRE IS COMING OUT WITH STORY LYIN TED HAS HAD 5 GIRL FRIENDS WHILE MARRIED–HUGE–i know..nat equire ..but they have busted other liars in the past–trump was going to expose him anyway….hippo crip–hate em

      • Oh, good grief. Don’t be so gullible McFly! – National Enquirer is now a CREDIBLE source of information. Get real. – Don’t you remember what they did to Herman Cain last election cycle???

  • So why are so many IDIOTS planning on voting for the creep?

    • This is another evidence of the stupidity of the american people, they are voting for Canadian Ted Cruz an individual who is ineligible to occupy the presidency according to the American Constitution…the american people does as their Council On Foreign Relations controlled media tell them to do.

    • Uh, let me guess. They have a RIGHT to vote for whomever they want to?

  • Not to mention Cruz is totally NOT eligible and never will be. He is not even an official citizens here much less a NBC.
    Investigating cop stumbled onto the fact that Ted mother was NOT born in Delaware as Ted has told us and has put out there in the public line. She has no BC of her own that could be found in Delaware so they invented one from her grandmother’s BC. Plus apparently Cruz had his mother’s personal records sealed hoping no one would find this out. but he’s a “lawyer:” supposedly, and should know they go by the father’s line not the mothers here in America. Report says that his mother is also Cuban and was not an American citizen at time of his birth in Canada. And hen there is the fact that Canada did not allow duel citizenship. So Ted has ONLY been a Canadian citizen all his life up to 2013 when he gave it up. However that giving it up did NOT make him an automatic American citizen. He had to be naturalized, and he has not done that so he is currently officially a man with out a country !

  • Any time someone tells you to trust them, time to run. Only cons need to tell people to trust them.


    • What an absolutely stupid and ignorant thing to say. All those are legitimate reasons not to listen to or support a candidate!? I guess objective reason does not reside at this website. – You’ll get what you deserve.

  • Five girlfriends – wow, and they were able to look at him and not puke ? Sorry. That kinda slipped out. It’s just every time I look at Cruz all I can think of is a weasel. And those critters are not cute ! You Got to admit he’s a bit hard to look at.
    That aside, he is NOT eligible to be president now or ever as he will never e a NBC. He is not even a citizen here at all ! He has been ONLY a Canadian citizen all his life up to 2013 wen he gave up his Canadian citizenship, yet that does not make him a citizen here. He has to be Naturalized like everyone else born to another country without American citizen parents. His father was a Cuban national and his mother was NOT born in Delaware as he has put out. NO BC could be found on her. Like Obama, his background has been fabricated. It is said in a report that his mother is also a Cuban. He has ONLY been a Canadian citizen NOT a “duel” citizen as he tells you to believe because Canada did not allow duel citizenship.
    They don’t call him lyin’ Ted for nothing.

    • If he is a citizen of the U.S. at all, then he has been naturalized, and I don’t believe that he has gone through that process. His mother was a Canadian citizen when he was born, and his father, as far as I can tell, was still a Cuban citizen. Canada did not recognize dual citizenship when Ted was born. So when he renounced his Canadian citizenship, I believe he inherited his father’s citizenship, which is Cuba. So we’ve had one Kenyan as President, and if Cruz ever becomes President, we will have two foreign nationals in a row assuming the highest office in the land. I’m not sure which is worse – a Kenyan Commie or a Cuban Commie. Ted is bought and paid for by the criminal cabal of psychopaths that has run this country for decades. His 2 million dollars of “lo-interest loans” from Goldman Sachs and Citibank indicate to whom he is beholden. His wife was a member of the evil CFR, and chair of their committee that developed plans for the North American Union and the TPP, so that we will follow in the footsteps of the EU. Our borders will disappear, and American will lose her sovereignty. All thanks to Ted and Heidi Cruz. (You call him a weasel – I call him a snake – that’s what he looks like to me – either one fits him well.) And to those who claim that he is a “true conservative” and “100% loyal to the Constitution” and to our founding fathers, I will say, “No man can serve two masters.” He will either betray the cabal, or he will betray the voters. I’d be willing to bet my savings on which one he would choose.

  • Paul Ryan is who the Repubs have waiting in the wings to broker in for the nomination ! To heck with the people and their votes they say ! I can see the people now finally waking up to the fact that if THEY don’t take action, no one can ! That convention will be torn apart if the Repubs steal the election from the people ! Heads will roll ! It’s bad enough that the Republicans took over the election system and made it totally UN-Constitutional, but they keep breaking their own laws and rules on top of it all !
    Political parties are not even allowed in the Constitution – much less run elections and the country !.
    This two-party political system is the Communist system.

    • The Gop does not want Trump period and they do not care for cruz that much but they cannot take both of them out at the convention so I believe the Gop leaked the cruz affair story to poision the well for Cruz and declare him damaged goods so they can get Ryan or jeb or kasich as the nominee.
      I have no proof but it looks fishy with the argument going on between cruz and trump it will be very
      easy to blame it on trump.

    • Yup, would surprise me at all if Trump is a symbolic sixth trumpet. In Yahweh’s world their are no coincidences.

      Rev 9:14-15

      14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.

      15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

      • “Yaweh”? Seriously? Are you talking about Jesus Christ? While you are trying to sound intelligent and spiritual, “Have you not read”?
        Satan is the god of this world. 2 Cor 4:4
        Paul called it “this present evil world” Gal 1:4
        Jesus Christ said he wouldn’t pray for this world…”I pray not for the world” John 17:9.

        Yahweh? seriously? geesh!

  • hmm isn’t cruz using a picture from GQ a copyright infringement and A CRIME?????

    • Hadn’t thought of that, but I think you may be right!

  • Mrs. Cruise is a wealth manager Goldman Sachs. Yup, no conflict of interest, bias, or potential problem there.

    • You really need to stay informed, she quit her Job to help her husband.

      • Actually she took a leave of absence, she has not quit. So I am thinking something else is a play here.

  • He looks like a weasel.

    • An extremely intelligent one then, as there are none who is as smart and detailed as Ted, which is honest, sincere and Christian.

      I suspect the Christian part is what the ungodly hateful left dislike the most.

      • What have you been smoking Judge?

  • The Clucker

    Heres a 3 page story the starts with Ted fake name (his real name is RAFAEL, not Ted), to his wife Heidi, and their Lobbyists money, and then Romney Lobbyists, and their link to the Bush family by following the money on video tape. Remember too, the rise of the Bush family was GW’s father Prescott Bush, who was found guilty of an Attempted Coup of the White House back in 1933. Wow, and people still elected this traitors son and grandson? I know I didn’t vote for them. But learn how Lobbyists control from DC down into each and every single city you live in. Once you read it, it explains and links each step with each other down into your city.


    • more chit about to happen regarding mr cruz.. this will be a very big scandal, probably break
      his “back” re: presidential running.. along with liar clinton

  • Hiedi Cruz is an executive personnel manager for Goldman Sachs. So her ethics are beyond question. She believes it is ethical to sell you an investment that Goldman rates as “crap”, make a commission on the sale, and then it is ethical to bet against the “crap” investment they just sold you. There is no argument on the matter. Goldman’s CEO said so under oath in his response to Sen. Levin.

    Heidi is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Specifically she was part of a task force working on the implementation of a North American Union. Their findings and recommendations can be found here.
    She specifically believes in the erosion of our basic civil rights making US citizens subservient to an international court.
    Maybe that’s what Trump is talking about when he say’s “spilling the beans about Hiedi”. I kind of wonder why the supposed “liberal media” hasn’t reported all of this.

  • Not to worry, If the establishment has its way neither Teddy nor the Donald will be elected——–unless they can buy one of them off.

    Elections will be proven a falsehood and the will of the people be damned.

  • I think he is the Penguin on Gotham.

  • Ted Cruz is the only candidate with real detail plans for fixing America, otherwise it will remain as it is and nothing will be fixed only made worse.

    Tell me, does Trump want to abolish the IRS or present a flat tax that removes much of the political powers that now exist thru regulations and exemptions for anything and everything that gets in the way or threatens the status quo?

    The powers that be really are fearful of Cruz as his intelligence is well beyond that of the average politician.

  • Thank you so much for this infornation.

  • Has anyone else noticed that Mark Levin or Rush Limbaugh won’t discuss the New World Order, CFR, Trilateral Commission or any other globalist oriented entity on their radio programs? Heidi Cruz deserves scrutiny due to her affiliation with Goldman Sachs and her membership and activities with the Council of Foreign Relations. However, these radio personalities refuse to acknowledge the pertinence of her involvement. In my humble opinion Heidi is more than fair game. By the way winning with Ted Cruz is losing for America! Just saying.

  • Want to buy into all that crap fine, Trump is the real Jew player although hes still isn’t big enough to have his way with the Rothschild fake Jew bunch.

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