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Monsoon Season Has Arrived Early…..

Friday, March 11, 2016 15:31
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(Before It's News)

Diogenes Middle Finger In most of Louisiana we always have our annual monsoon season. Here in 'Sportsman's Paradise', it makes for happy ducks, active gators and the great fishing afterwards, not to mention beautiful Azalea gardens.  But this year it has arrived early, and with a vengeance. We've had 8-12 inches of gully washing rain in the last 36 hours, with another 7-14 inches on the way up from the coast. Some places further south have received as much as 18 inches. Rain is said to continue for the next two days. Places that rarely flood are now flooding, and the SPD has closed the bayou bridge on the road to my house. Boo Hoo for me. It's gonna be a tee-shirt, shorts and barefoot extra long weekend. 

But, as long as the power holds out, it's a chance to catch up on some personal correspondence I'm behind on, and write some post I have been bouncing around in my head.  

Now, where did I put that corkscrew….



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