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RUMOR. AND UPDATED. Something Big Seems To Be Happening In Florida

Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:48
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(AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Via Washington Post:

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush plans to meet with three of the four remaining Republican presidential candidates today and tomorrow in Miami, according to an aide.

Bush, who until recently was also a presidential contender, plans to meet with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a spokeswoman said. There are no plans for Bush to meet with businessman Donald Trump — no surprise given their acrimonious relationship.

The spokeswoman wouldn’t say where or when the meetings will take place other than to confirm they will occur today.

The fact that the WaPo his pushing this out on Twitter indicates that they know a helluva lot more than they are letting on. My guess, Jeb Bush is trying to get John Kasich and Marco Rubio out of the race. Fast. This is not a big leap for Jeb as he is sort of miffed at Rubio and Neil Bush endorsed Ted Cruz yesterday. When you tie this together with institutional interest in stopping Trump and the endless seepage of Rubio-is-quitting rumors it isn’t hard to see what might be underway.

And if Jeb Bush can broker this, then I take back every bad thing I’ve ever said and every mocking reference I’ve ever made.

From the NYT

Mr. Bush will meet with Mr. Rubio on Wednesday, and Mr. Cruz and Mr. Kasich on Thursday, the aide said. It was unclear whether Mr. Bush intended to make an endorsement before Tuesday’s winner-take-all primary in Florida.

Rumors are swirling that Rubio may pass on the the debate tomorrow. If so, the sequence of scheduling the meetings makes sense.

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Total 3 comments
  • Ted Cruz: Illegal Alien? NO PAPERS (Canada Born – Entered Illegally in 1974)? Still want to support someone who can not be the president? A video that is making people cry.. Wow. Watch this and you too will support Donald Trump!>

  • I am surprise that now days the RULING ELITE ESTABLISHMENT call then self “conservative”, what a joke on WE THE PEOPLE, and in top of that, they are pushing for a CANADIAN BORNG candidate, cleaning the floor with the CONSTITUTION…it’s that conservative?. TED CRUZ = GOLDMAN SACHS STOOG.
    Ted Cruz ISN’T eligible…Unite States Constitution.
    Article II
    Section 1.
    No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,shall be eligible to the Office of President, neither shall any Person be eligible to the Office who shall not have attained the age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen years a Resident   within the United States…If you don’t know what a Natural Born Citizen is, google it.

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