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Sanders Statement on Super Tuesday wins in Vermont, Oklahoma, Colorado and Minnesota

Friday, March 4, 2016 18:36
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Sanders Statement on Super Tuesday wins in Vermont, Oklahoma, Colorado and Minnesota | 02 March 2016 | U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday issued the following statement after winning primaries and caucuses in Vermont, Oklahoma, Colorado and Minnesota: “The political revolution has begun. Ten months ago, when our campaign started, not many people thought we would get this far or do this well. Not many people outside of Vermont even knew who I was. That was then. Tonight, voters in Colorado, Oklahoma and Minnesota have joined the people of Vermont in showing America that a political revolution is spreading across our country, that people want to take on the billionaire class and make our government work for all Americans and not just the top 1 percent.”


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