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Sean Hannity forced to admit Ted Cruz had ZERO connection with Melania Trump ad

Thursday, March 24, 2016 18:33
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(Before It's News)

Anyone who listens to Sean Hannity’s radio show or watches his television program knows how pro-Trump he is. He never says anything negative about Trump, nor will he allow others to without interrupting them and shutting them down. As a result, Trump has been friendly in return and has granted Hannity many interviews, which means high ratings.

Yesterday, in his rush to carry Trump’s water, Hannity made a false statement regarding the Melania Trump/Heidi Cruz saga and was forced to correct himself later on Twitter.


Unfortunately, the damage has already been done. Legions of Trump supporters now believe Cruz started it, leading Trump’s threat against Heidi Cruz, as well as his attack on her appearance, seem justified in their eyes.

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