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‘Ted Cruz is a Globalist!!!’ – yeah and I’m the tooth fairy

Friday, March 11, 2016 2:49
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(Before It's News)

Ted CruzOccasionally I get criticism for my support of Senator Ted Cruz. Why would you back Cruz they say… he’s a “globalist”… he wants to destroy US sovereignty.

There are legitimate grounds to criticize the Senator from Texas (none of us are perfect), but “globalism” is not one of them.

Here is then plain old Mr. Cruz from 2012 explaining the perils of Agenda 21 and detailing some of his battles to protect US sovereignty.

Here he is again calling out the the true “globalists” of the Council on Foreign Relations for what they are… a pit of vipers. Yes, I know that Heidi Cruz was a member for a time… but then so have been many patriotic Americans such as late Washington Times editor Arnaud de Borchgrave. The CFR is certainly an insidious organization at heart, but most members are good folks who join to meet influential people, out of curiosity, vanity, to learn about policy, or to advance their careers. I’m more concerned that Heidi Cruz is reportedly a VEGETARIAN, than the fact she was once a CFR member.

During her tenure with the CFR, Heidi Cruz has been criticized for her work on CFR projects promoting the anti-sovereignty North American Union. Heidi Cruz’s contribution to this project consisted of advocating for free markets.

There is no doubt what Ted Cruz thinks of the CFR and I’m betting that Heidi Cruz’s current views aren’t much different.

Name me one other serving Senator, with the exception of Alabama’s heroic Jeff Sessions, who has done as much to protect US sovereignty as Ted Cruz.

For more thorough debunking of Ted Cruz globalism myths go here and here.

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