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Trump & America’s Last Stand: Did He Betray His Supporters At AIPAC?

Friday, March 25, 2016 19:25
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Trump & America’s Last Stand: 

Did He Betray His Supporters At AIPAC?


By Richard Wilcox PhD

March 26, 2016


“To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.”

- Sun Tsu, The Art Of War


On March 21st frontrunner republican candidate Donald Trump spoke, as any US presidential hopeful must, at AIPAC (America Israel Public Affairs Committee, ie., “the Israel Lobby”). Candidates must speak in order to pledge undying support for the state of Israel. This is the antipathy of how a real democracy or republic should function by allowing itself to be controlled by alien forces.


As anyone familiar with the long litany of Israeli crimes against humanity knows, Israel is a rogue state which holds the world hostage to nuclear blackmail by threatening total annihilation (the “madman option”) rather than abandon the Zionist dream of a Greater Israel (the Yinon plan).


By speaking so supportively for Israel did Trump betray his base who perceive him as a breath of fresh air in a climate of political corruption? The quick answer is “no,” or at least, not yet, or, let’s wait and see.


James Kelso (no supporter of Israel) of The Trump Phenomenon on RBN radio noted that Trump did the right thing and “hit the ball out of the park” with his speech when he told the roomful of clowns at AIPAC just what they wanted to hear. Trump avoided making big headlines by getting booed at the conference and now he can move on to become president. It’s as simple as that.


Radio host Jeff Rense, whose website has promoted Trump since his presidential campaign began, relayed this message to me in defense of Trump’s performance at AIPAC:


“We believe his credentials are solid because of his children’s’ marriages [with Jews] and the obvious fact he has been working most of his adult life with Jewish financiers….the biggest liars on the planet (see the ‘Kol Nidre).

It is our position that Mr. Trump knows exactly what happened on 9/11 but for obvious reasons MUST keep his powder dry until the proper time after/if he is elected. We also are not remotely surprised at his remarks at AIPAC.

We expected nothing less. It was a politically expedient and mandatory performance…as putrid as that is to have to contemplate. His remarks here:
are accurate but here is a man who does not wish to be assassinated like JFK.

What would you do? Tell AIPAC the truth and pay for it with your life? Or, play THEIR game which is what we believe he did. Not one time has Mr. Trump been shown to be lying in ANY way by Reverse Speech….which we place a high credibility in.

In short, Mr. Trump HAD to make that speech the way he did. We certainly understand your position and feelings and agree. World Zionism kills people constantly. Something to think about.”


Considering the unending media vitriol, the physical and verbal attacks and even death threats toward Trump and his supporters, can Trump be blamed for political expediency (1; 2)?


Finally, Daily Stormer, a pro-Trump website that can’t be accused of being soft on its enemies published an insightful defense (3):

“Okay, guys. Here’s the deal: in order to get elected, Donald Trump has to say nice things about Israel. That is simply the fact of the matter. The Jews have created a situation where the overwhelming majority of Christians in this country believe in bizarre science fiction fantasy about the nature of the terrorist Jew state, and if they view someone as hostile to it, they won’t vote for them.

So the options are:

a) call out the Jews, have zero chance of winning, and

b) say nice things about Israel, and have a shot at getting in.

The pandering doesn’t have anything to do with Jews as voters. None of them are going to vote for him anyway. And besides, they are only 2% of the population, and the majority of those are liberal Democrats anyway. The pandering is purely for the evangelical vote.

And there just isn’t any way around it….

He wants to actually destroy the Israeli proxy army of ISIS (which they provide medical care for, and presumably also provide financial support for), he is pro-Russia, he is overall against ‘nation building’ in the Middle East. He is against the invasion of Europe.

The AIPAC speech, it should be noted, was pre-written. I have never seen Trump do this. He even used teleprompters. He was only doing what needed to be done for the reasons I’ve stated. So please, don’t get too caught up in these pro-Israel statements…”


Send AIPAC Packin’


Years ago I was worried about being labeled a biased researcher or “anti-semite” if I criticized Israel. One of my mentors was the veteran journalist Jeffrey Blankfort who is a strong critic of Zionism and notably exposed the hypocrisy of left-gatekeeper Noam Chomsky. Blankfort assured me that “Jewish power is real.”


How is it that a foreign government can send their prime minister to speak to the US congress and receive endless standing ovations while dwelling on his own country’s security issues? This happens repeatedly when Netanyahu visits Washington. Such an absurd situation is possible only in the upside-down world of US-Israeli politics. The tail wags the dog.


The 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act specifies that if a lobbying group acts to promote the interests of a foreign government it must, as would be reasonable, register as a foreign agency. But thanks to their economic and political clout, and the support of “Christian Zionists,” AIPAC remains a “normal” domestic lobby. It’s as if a gigantic criminal spy network were allowed to run the US government (4; 5). It is.


In fact, many Israeli-supporting Jews protested against Trump outside the AIPAC conference, hypocritically condoning Israeli violence against its neighbors while holding up posters calling Trump a “racist”(6). As if Jewish supremacist Israel whose Talmud considers all non-jews to be cattle, is not already the most racist state in the world. Presumably their real reason for hating Trump is that he is not “pro Israel” enough and his call to broker peace between Israel and Palestine is unacceptable to those who want to eradicate the last Palestinians.


Reading Between Trump’s Lines


Trump gives lip-service to Israel but has a few aces up his sleeve. As anyone who has been following his candidacy knows, whatever you think of the man or his politics, he is a shrewd and highly intelligent strategist. When dealing with the Zio-Zillionaire Sheldon Adelson, Adelson remarked:


“He (Trump) had talked about potentially dividing Jerusalem and Israel, so I talked about Israel because with our newspaper, my wife being Israeli, we are the few who know more about Israel than people who don’t” (7).


At the AIPAC conference Trump told the audience what they wanted to hear, that Jerusalem will one day become the capital of Israel. But he does not mention that Jerusalem should also remain an open city as his comments to Adelson implied.


On the same day as the AIPAC confab Trump told reporters that Israel could be paying the US for security, implying the flow of billions in US “aid” to Israel might finally come to an end when Trump is president (8).


In the meantime, Trump continues to dress-down his Zio-media opponents by employing his sharp wit. While on Wolf Blitzer’s CNN show which aired March 21st of this year, at the 23 min. 25 second mark of the show Trump points out to Blitzer that his show has low ratings (9). LOL – hilarious. He says this right to his face.


*(A few years ago Blitzer interviewed David Duke and Duke pointed out that Blitzer had a conflict of interest since he had previously worked for AIPAC as a reporter. Therefore, Blitzer could not be considered an objective observer when examining politically charged issues. Duke was so articulate in exposing Blitzer’s hypocrisy that he was never invited back onto the show.)


In one of Trump’s latest campaign TV ads he directly targets the cultural marxist and trouble-maker George Soros for causing the constant disruptions and violence at Trump rallies (10). The advertisement boldly names as enemies the very yellow journalist media companies that are feeding propaganda and lies to the American public about Trump.


Disagreements With Don


While the media wildly exaggerates Trump’s flaws, he nevertheless has some mistaken positions. I don’t agree with his promotion of torture: it could be used against US combatants or even the American people. His refrain that “the US made a bad deal when it gave Iran 150 billion dollars” is ridiculous. In fact, the US stole 150 billion from the Iranians (ie., it was Iranian money frozen in offshore banks due to the sanctions), and then according to the deal Obama made, it was unfrozen in return for cooperation on the nuclear issue.


One wonders if these threats are lip-service to assuage the worries of the military industrial complex and neocons to show he is “tough on terrorists” even though Iran has not attacked another country in two hundred years.


In these dire times we cannot afford too much nitpicking. Trump is the grand chess-master (while also an egoist and showman) and may be saying some of these “dumb” things in order to get elected. This is something no honest person– as opposed to a globalist controlled zio-puppet– has been able to do in decades.


The Peaceful Hawk: Sanity In An Insane World?


But what of Trump’s stunning proposals such as simply enforcing US immigration laws; bringing back manufacturing jobs to the US; and, contrary to George W. Bush or Hillary Clinton, proceeding more cautiously about US involvement in senseless wars abroad?


On the same day as the AIPAC conference Trump spoke about adopting a commonsense conservative foreign policy: one that might make George Washington who warned against foreign entanglements proud. Trump’s foreign policy team seems to be less neo-con and more dovish, including one member who agrees with Trump about getting along with Russia (11). Trump said, “I want a better relationship with everybody. And with Russia…. If we can get along with Russia, that’s very good…. I want to get along with all countries. And we will.” Even William Greider of the far left Nation magazine praised Trump’s approach which could become “the military-industrial complex’s worst nightmare” (12).


One hopes that while dismantling our military empire we could give constructive, healthful and environmentally friendly jobs to workers to rebuild the country. Rebuilding America’s infrastructure as opposed to wasting money and lives in catastrophic wars is a favorite Trump refrain. Of course, the neo-cons and the Jewish power structure that Jeffrey Blankfort reminded me “is real” will not go away over night as they have been parasitizing the world for centuries (13).


Trump & America’s Last Stand


All of the other presidential candidates, both Republican and Democrat, are bought and paid for shills carrying toxic water for the New World Order. Bernie Sanders is a critic of some of the worst policies of the globalists but he hides his communist past (and present); is a pro-Israel Zionist; and like the others except for Trump believes in open borders (as is the communist ideology– there is no race or culture, only “workers”).


Though not perfect, Trump is unique because he is self-financed, an ingenious strategist and communicator, and has a message that strongly resonates with much of the disenfranchised white middle class whose prospects and demographics are sharply declining. Even if prevented from becoming president there will be no putting the genie back in the bottle, there is revolution is underway.


* Richard Wilcox is a regular contributor to




1. Trump threat to satanic Zionist conspiracy, similar to JFK


2. The Assassination of Donald Trump


3. Regarding Donald Trump’s AIPAC Speech


4. Where Did AIPAC Come From?


5. US “Aid” to Israel is Illegal


6. Hypocrite AIPAC Jews Exposed


7. Here’s what Donald Trump and billionaire Sheldon Adelson talked about in their meeting this week


8. Trump: Israel Should be Paying Us


9. Donald Trump interview w/Wolf Blizter; CNN; 3-21-2016


10. Trump Calls Out George Soros In New Ad


11. NATO’s RAGE: Trump Questions America’s Role in ‘Nation-Building’ – Talks of Restoring Russian Ties


12. Donald Trump Could Be the Military-Industrial Complex’s Worst Nightmare


13. Will a Trump Victory Actually Dislodge the Neocons?



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