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Why Does the Media Give Trump Three Times More Airtime Than Cruz or Rubio?

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 17:29
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(Before It's News)

Diogenes Middle Finger According to NewsBusters:

“Once again in February, ABC, CBS and NBC devoted a majority of their Republican primary coverage to Donald Trump, who received three times more attention than his top competitors, Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz….” 

Since the start of the campaign, Trump has received a total of 923 minutes of airtime from the three broadcast evening newscasts, or 54 percent of the total GOP coverage. This is more than four times the coverage given to Ted Cruz (205 minutes, or 12% of the total), and six times what Marco Rubio received (139 minutes, or 8%)…..”

The media’s saturation coverage of Trump in 2015 made it next-to-impossible for other conservative candidates to become well-known and, on balance, seems to have helped Trump cement his status as GOP frontrunner.”

So I say to Trump supports this; I have heard almost to the person, “We are tired of the media picking our candidate”. Well, it looks like that may be is just whats happening without you realizing it. 


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Total 2 comments
  • He’s the front runner and they were giving him the opportunity to hang himself and it has backfired on them every single time and will continue to do so as long as they try it. America is sick of the media and they are giving him the floor! Ya gotta love it and its priceless! And, oh yeah, TRUMP 2016!!!!!! :grin: :lol:

  • The media gives him a lot of time but most of it is negative, and the Donald is a master at getting free air time look what he did to Rubio, he masterfully got an endorsement from Chris Christie. And he has done that over and over again, he knows that controversy gets him free air time. You got to love the man.

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