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At CNN’s #DemDebate, Bernie Says We Can’t Let People Buy Guns If They Don’t Already Have Them

Thursday, April 14, 2016 19:41
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(Before It's News)

I’ll break this down after the clip. First … watch the clip.

“What we need to do is prevent guns from falling into the hands of people who do not have them.”

Let us stipulate up front that Bernie Sanders will say that this is not what he meant to say, and that the everyone will agree he was just talking fast and it came out wrong or whatever. But in return, everyone must likewise stipulate that such niceties as benefit of the doubt would in no way form or fashion be given to a Republican. A Republican doesn’t get to say “that’s not what I meant.” What a republican meant does not matter to anyone. Fair? Fair.

Now, with that out of the way, perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “Freudian slip”? If there is anything that the Democrats want, and wish they could get away with saying, is that they believe we should not be allowed to buy guns in America. They are champing at the bit to say this. They are straining at the handcuffs of polling. They wish it. They don’t want you to own guns. They don’t want guns to be for sale.

So what Bernie Sanders said may sound funny, or it may sound like a gaffe, or it may seem inconsequential. But what it definitely is, is a phrase every liberal wants to say, wants to hear, and desperately believes. They want to take away your guns. They believe that they soon will with the vacancy on the Supreme Court.

Elections matter.

The post At CNN’s #DemDebate, Bernie Says We Can’t Let People Buy Guns If They Don’t Already Have Them appeared first on RedState.


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