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Sure, sure: Roger Stone of course isn’t involved with the Donald Trump campaign, although his lobbyist buddy Paul Manafort (dude lobbied for Pakistan’s ISI? Really? What, the Stasi weren’t interested in getting a PR rehab or something?) is currently knife-fighting his way into Trump’s inner circle. And of course Stone’s not making more threats. Nah, he’s just calling for voluntary loyalty oaths from delegates, which is of course the most American thing ever: “”We’re going to produce a voluntary loyalty pledge that will say, if you’re a Trump delegate, that you’ll stick with Trump through all the ballots to reflect the will of the voters,” veteran GOP strategist Roger Stone told Rolling Stone in an interview published Monday.”
…Love that ‘we.’ Really sells me on the argument that Roger Stone isn’t a spokesman for the Trump campaign. Ya, you betcha.
Anyway: there are, of course, three reasons why this concept is likely not going to make it off of the ground.
All in all, I suspect that this bit was meant for strictly internal consumption: as noted before, Manafort is attempting to supplant Lewandowski, and the latter’s loyalists likely need to be distracted. That calling for loyalty oaths and using the term ‘cockroaches’ is apparently a wizzo way to provide that distraction is… diagnostic. On that makes me grateful that I’m not involved in that campaign in any way at all.
(H/T: @js_jennings)
Moe Lane
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