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Iceland prime minister resigns over Panama Papers revelations

Tuesday, April 5, 2016 9:27
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Iceland prime minister resigns over Panama Papers revelations | 05 April 2016 | Iceland's embattled prime minister, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, has tendered his resignation in the wake of a mounting political crisis over his family's offshore investments, local media have reported, but his departure has yet to be agreed by either his coalition partners of the country's president. The agriculture and fisheries minister, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, told state broadcaster RUV that Gunnlaugsson had resigned…Reports said Gunnlaugsson would stay on as chairperson of his Progressive party, and Jóhannsson would take his place as prime minister.


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Total 4 comments
  • iceland kicked out the damn banksters and is why they are mentioned in these alleged ‘papers’.

    long live iceland.

    • The Jew George Soros and the Rothschild group cannot allow Iceland to get away with it, after all it could give other nations ideas. Even Russia is off their Jew NWO reservation.

  • Don’t give up Iceland. We know that every country that tries to free itself from the clutches of the evil cabal is infiltrated divided and attacked. DO NOT GIVE UP. Fight these creeps, keep doing your thing, everyone there must remain ever vigilant. In the interim, I sure hope that people are looking into Michael Tellingers program on Gaia TV. Something I think many in the US are working on is “peoples banks”. Alternative currency. Apparently the ‘biggie’ that would help to hasten the demise of the evil cabal. If you hear what he has to say, you can understand easily how it can work! They are the 1%, we are the 99%. Who do you think will win. No shot need be fired,, humanity has already decided!!!

  • One can only hope that the next batch of released names include the crooks here in the U.S.

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