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Like the frog into the boiling water ….. The Punk knows the poor, poor public just yearns to embrace the Stockholm Syndrome and…..

Sunday, April 10, 2016 11:08
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.Like the frog into the boiling water ….. The Punk knows the poor, poor public just yearns to embrace the Stockholm Syndrome and …..

Like the fr0g into the boiling water …. just little by little let the poor, poor forgiving public gets used to the violence, the intimidation, the scapegoating, the punks he travels with …… Mr. Punk knows the game.  Mr. punk knows he has his eye on the prize of acceptable attacks on those against him, on the acceptable symbols, language of intimidation.

…… The Punk knows the poor, poor public just yearns to embrace the Stockholm Syndrome and be only too, too happy to love their intimidating master, to forgive him his all and anything.

….Guts and glory go to the Punk.  Feebleness goes to the weak and sniveling.

Dominance Games…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…

Facebook …..


Filed under: Commentary, current events, dominance, News, opinion, political science, Politics Tagged: Authoritarianism, Critical thinking, Democracy, Government, media, political commentary, politics, power


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