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New Yorker Trump Visits 9/11 Museum…For the FIRST Time

Saturday, April 9, 2016 15:41
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(Before It's News)

Donald Trump, who frequently uses 9/11 in speeches, finally visited the National September 11 Museum on Saturday. I guess those New York values really get in the way of paying respect to the victims he so often references.

One would think, considering he’s, you know, a “fighter” and wants to “Make America Great Again”, that he wouldn’t have waited so long before taking that short trip to Lower Manhattan. But it looks like he waited until he was running for president to do so.

The 9/11 memorial opened September 12, 2011 to the public, and the museum portion opened to the public on May 21, 2014. So an April 9, 2016 visit by the high-profile resident of New York, and man who tells us he really loves America, is a bit behind schedule.

Remember, Trump claims that he lost hundreds of friends on 9/11/01, but, as reported by The Daily Beast, can’t even name one. He also claims he witnessed people jumping from the towers, and that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheered the attacks. With the turmoil he experienced, one would think that he would have made a visit to the site. In delusion, he leans toward the truther side of things, and said in February that if he’s elected “you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center”. Ok, tinfoil hat.

Most recently on Wednesday, Trump hit at his opponent Ted Cruz for bringing up the idea of “New York values”. As CNN reports:

“Remember when he started lecturing me on New York values like we’re no good?” Trump said at a rally Wednesday. “We all know people who died, and I’ve got this guy standing over there looking at me and talking to me about ‘New York values’ with scorn on his face, with hatred of New York.”

And after Saturday’s visit, another reference was made.

The Trump campaign hit Cruz again — though not by name — after the museum visit, saying in its statement, “This is what ‘New York values’ are really all about.”

Well Don, considering you didn’t pay your respects until today at the site you so often reference, located in the city in which you reside, and whose events you love to question, Ted Cruz actually does have a point.

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