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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Obama Administration looking to get rid of a level of Secrecy Classification

Thursday, April 14, 2016 3:41
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One way to help get Grandma off the hook. Get rid of a lower level of Classification of Secrecy of documents. This from our man Clapper who has a less than stellar record. Lying to Congress for one about spying on Americans. And for a bit of humor, I give you a clip of him being interviewed by Diane Sawyer whereby he knew nothing of the massive arrests of Terror suspects in Great Britain. Thanks Obama.

The Obama administration is considering a proposal to kill off the lowest tier of classification, amid escalating scrutiny on top government officials’ ability to safeguard sensitive information.

In a memo circulated to intelligence agency leaders last month, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asked for feedback about getting rid of the “confidential” level of classification.

“Please comment on whether the CONFIDENTIAL classification level can be eliminated from your agencies’ guides and the negative impacts this might have on mission success,” Clapper wrote to the heads of the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and three other federal intelligence offices in his three-page memo.
“This action could promote transparency,” Clapper added, by “simplifying agency classification practices,” focusing only on sensitive material “that would cause significant and demonstrable harm to national security if improperly released” and reflect the fact “that few, if any” clearances are issued at the “confidential” level alone.

This week, Obama was pilloried by some government leakers and Republicans following comments seeming to dismiss concerns about Clinton’s emails, while also suggesting that some classified information is not worthy of rigorous protection.

More at The Hill

We have the ABC interview with a bit of humor: The Director of National Intelligence lacks some “intelligence”… (I mean “intel”, of course…) Diane Sawyer is confused.

DNI James Clapper says that the NSA does not collect data on millions of Americans

On March 12, 2013 Ron Wyden who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee asked DNI James Clapper if the NSA collects data on millions of Americans. Clapper answer that no the NSA does not at least not wittingly collect info on American. 

Filed under: War on Terror


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