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Practically A Presidential Endorsement: Obama Says Trump and Cruz Are Both Scary on Illegal Immigration

Tuesday, April 5, 2016 12:41
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(Before It's News)

Today President Obama made a rare appearance in the briefing room to deliver remarks before handing over to Josh Earnest for the Daily Briefing. He took one final question at the end after wrapping up, and it was of course about Donald Trump; specifically his plan to block remittances to Mexico in order to pay for a wall. Obama’s answer, at least as far as a large portion of the Republican base is concerned, will be seen as practically an endorsement of both Trump and Cruz.

I do have to emphasize that it’s not just Mr. Trump’s proposals. You’re hearing concerns about Mr. Cruz’s proposals, which, in some ways, are just as draconian when it comes to immigration, for example.

Obama is suggesting that other foreign leaders (can we guess Mexico?) are as worried about Cruz ending illegal immigration as they are about Trump ending illegal immigration.

So for you delegates eye-balling that second round, worried about immigration and not intimidated by Trump’s gestapo, this is a green light. Okay? You can be true to the immigration voter and not screw America over. I’m just saying.

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