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Presidential? Trump Goes Back to Canadian AND Cuban Birthering on Cruz JUST THIS MORNING! [VIDEO]

Saturday, April 23, 2016 14:41
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(Before It's News)

Just today in Waterbury, Connecticut, he who cannot help himself doubled up on birtherism, attackin Ted Cruz as a Canadian and a Cuban in a single nasty little sentence. The kind he can’t, won’t, and will never be able to stop making. Because he is arrogant, a jerk, and simply can’t help himself.

Rafael! Straight out of the hills of Canada. Four years in Canada. Was a Canadian citizen until 14, 15 months ago.

He goes on and on over it. In fact the entire two minutes of this video are him being a ridiculous clown. He even brags that he has the blood pressure of a “great, great athlete who is twenty years old.” Utter. Buffoon.

I can be Presidential, he says. It’s easy, he says. Ha! This is what you would see from Trump as President. A childish, loudmouth, reactionary, stupid, walking butthole.

Presidential. Give me a break.

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  • Well, all I can say is “Go Trump Go..Git er done”… The Constitution is very clear on this matter & for very good reasons. If you have not read it perhaps you should before criticizing others who actually have. Ted Cruz was born in a foreign country therefore he fails to meet the requirements to be President of the USA. Considering “when” he even acquired his citizenship and the years he lived in America as an illegal alien before he actually did so, he is not even qualified to be a Senator. Equally important, Cruz is a treasonous agent of a foreign government and places his support of Israel over America. Perhaps he should be deported there to run for the office of the Prime Minister of Israel because he damn sure is not qualified to be the President of the United states of America. I would rather be arrogant, rude Donald Trump who tells it like it is and be “Right” than a treasonous, unqualified “Lying Ted Cruz” who needs to be deported. If you support this creep you are either to uneducated & uninformed to vote or you are deliberately a Traitor.

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