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Senator Cruz Misses Vote On His Own Bill

Thursday, April 7, 2016 18:41
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Senator Ted Cruz has missed a considerable amount of time from the Senate, due to his campaign schedule. Out of 40 Senate votes from January 2016 to the beginning of April 2016, Cruz has voted on 2, according to

Senators miss votes. Though maddening for the average citizen, who has the option of showing up for work or showing up at the unemployment office, it’s not unheard of. For a senator in full campaign mode, it’s almost expected.

The trouble Senator Cruz is faced with, however, is that his campaign schedule has caused him to miss voting on his own terrorism bill.

Cruz introduced the Expatriate Terrorist Act in January 2015. Cruz announced his candidacy in March 2015.

If passed, the bill would end the citizenship of any Americans who actively engaged in helping terrorists.

Parts of the bill read:

“Entering, or serving in, the armed forces of a foreign state or a foreign terrorist organization designated under section 219 if—

“(A) such armed forces are engaged in hostilities against the United States; or

“(B) such persons serve as a commissioned or noncommissioned officer.

“(4) Becoming a member of, or providing training or material assistance to, any foreign terrorist organization designated under section 219.”

According to USA Today, the bill has been put before the Senate Judiciary Committee on eight occasions, since mid-November 2015. Because the main sponsor of the bill was not present during the proceedings, the bill was shelved, as it is the senate’s rule not to vote on any legislation without the author present.

The bill again was presented for a vote on Thursday, April 7, 2016, but Cruz was in New York campaigning.

It next comes up for a vote on April 14, 2016.

The post Senator Cruz Misses Vote On His Own Bill appeared first on RedState.


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