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the Saker explains ‘The EU’s “suicide by reality denial” ‘

Friday, April 8, 2016 13:34
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read it all here…………….The EU’s “suicide by reality denial” | The Vineyard of the Saker

………………………Now imagine that you are a Wahabi terrorist leader, and a hardcore
lifelong sexist, would I add, and that you are looking at these two
photos …..

Ministers of Defense - small

Would this influence your selection of targets?

Of course it would.

The same goes for the comparison of the US/NATO operations in Syria with the outcome of just under six months of Russian Aerospace forces. States, just like people, have their own “body language” and while the body language displayed by Russia is one of confident and formidable power, the body language of the EU and, to a marginally lesser extend, the USA is one of weakness, hubris and incompetence, often bordering on the suicidal (like Merkel’s policy towards immigration).

The Bottom Line

The bottom line of this mess is this: what the US and the EU did in the Ukraine (and elsewhere, really) was fantastically stupid. But the US can afford such mistakes, while the EU clearly cannot. As for Russia, yes, she most definitely has been hurt by these policies, but this pain has been channeled by the Kremlin to make Russia stronger on many levels, from the political, to the military and even the economy, although here the progress has been minimal and the 5th column is still very much in charge, though I remain hopeful of a much needed purge.

What the EU has done is essentially a form of “suicide by reality denial”. What follows next will have to be regime change, not for one country, but for the entire continent. I think that such regime change is inevitable, but the big question is how long this slow and painful EU agony will last. Alas, this could take many years, I think. EU leaders will not elegantly apologize and resign, there is an entire class of parasites which now lives from the EU structure which will desperately resist any meaningful reforms, nevermind regime change, and which will always put their narrow comprador class interests above their people or even common sense.

As for the people of the EU, they will find out that they don’t have the means to impose political change by the ballot, that they live in a pretend-democracy, and that everything they have been told and promised is just an empty, ugly, lie. The Ukraine did not become Europe, but Europe became the Ukraine.

Welcome to the real word, EU!

The Saker


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