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This is correct
The vaccination of elderly in the United Kingdom has caused the deaths of 43,900 elderly.
See for your self:
Vaccines Cause Massive Death In Elderly – YouTube
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
dementia news headlines – dementia News
That’s because vaccines by stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies and an excess of larger white blood cells cause blockages in the tiny capillaries, so that there is anoxia in parts of the body where capillary blood flow is stopped – mini strokes. See Dr Otto Warburg: all cancer is caused by anoxia. See Dr Andrew Moulden: the mechanisms for these blockages to occur – acid blood and clumping of red cells, too many white blood cells, and poisoning of the Krebs Cycle (oxygenation cycle) within cells By Ethyl Mercury and Aluminum. So cells are stressed and they either die or resort of glycolysis for their energy. Most elderly people don’t eat very well, so are low in the Vits and minerals which could buffer this onslaught of vaccination.