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Vladimir Putin Implicitly Attacks the Neoconservative Mafia and the Neo-Liberal Ideology Again

Sunday, April 17, 2016 16:41
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Vladimir Putin Implicitly Attacks the Neoconservative Mafia and the Neo-Liberal Ideology Again | Veterans Today

Jonas E. Alexis

Vladmir Putin has called a spade a spade in the political realm again. The “deep state” in the United States, Putin has recently announced, has largely been ruled by two political currents: the Neoconservative Mafia on the one hand and the Neoliberal ideology on the other. For Putin, George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton are classic manifestations of those ideologies.

We all know by now that Bush was a complete disaster for the United States and the Middle East, and even “Prince of Darkness” Richard Perle himself declared that Bush did not make decisions, which means that he was a dancing puppet internalizing the commands of America’s oppressors. Hillary, Putin seems to be saying, is treading on the same path.

This observation is not without evidence. Hillary said last year that she was “in the category of people who wanted to do more in reaction to the annexation of Crimea.” She compared Putin to Hitler numerous times in the past. It seems reasonable that Putin would take the political ball and swing back to her and the Neoconservative Mafia. According to analyst Beau Grosscup of California State University,

“What President Putin is referring to is the neo-conservative/liberal within the National Security State (NSS) that has set the strategic goals of US foreign policy since the end of the Cold War.”

In other words, if you want to understand the deep forces that post beneath political categories in the United States, you will have to look at the Neoconservative and Neoliberal agendas. If you doubt this assessment, then pay close attention to the New York Times here: “When it comes to nominating presidential candidates, it turns out the world’s foremost democracy [US] is not so purely democratic.”

The U.S. “is not so purely democratic” because the Dreadful Few, who are less than five percent of the population, are able to tell presidential candidates what to do, what to say, and how to say it. They have been able to buy presidential candidates like Ted Cruz with no problem. And one needn’t be a politician to realize that people like Cruz are just puppets, always ready to do whatever their bosses enunciate or initiate. So, Putin is right in line with rational thought again. He has implicitly been stirring up the Neoconservative pot for quite a long time, but the real confrontation came to a full bloom when he stood up against the New World Order in Syria. This was obviously death to the Neoconservatives………………read the entire article here …Vladimir Putin Implicitly Attacks the Neoconservative Mafia and the Neo-Liberal Ideology


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