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By Luis Miranda, The Real Agenda
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Fantasy Ceasefire in Aleppo

Friday, May 6, 2016 9:11
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Since announced in late February, ceasefire has been more fantasy than real. Conflict rages in key parts of Syria. Washington, NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and their rogue state allies continue supporting ISIS and other terrorist groups, facilitating the passage of thousands of death squad killers into Syria, arming, training and directing them. Ceasefire and peace are unattainable under these conditions. John Kerry said Assad he has until August 1 to initiate “transition.” “So either something happens in these next few months, or they (Syria, Russia and Iran) are asking for a very different track.” If Assad does not comply with US regime change demands, “there will clearly be repercussions…As long as Assad is there, the opposition (aka US-backed terrorists) is not going to stop fighting.” Moscow and Washington agreed to a 48-hour “regime of silence” in Aleppo, beginning 1:00AM local time, May 5. A similar “silence” period in Latakia province and suburban Damascus was extended, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov saying: “During a phone conversation between the heads of the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of opposing sides and the US center in Amman, Jordan, the American side backed Russia’s proposal on the renewal of a ‘regime of silence’ in Eastern Ghouta and northern Latakia for 24 hours (until 12:00 am on May 5) and the prolongation of ‘the regime of silence’ in the city of Aleppo for 48 hours (until 12 am on May 6).” Konashenkov called the situation in Aleppo complicated, most parts of the city held by government forces, other areas controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra and “the so-called opposition.” He failed to explain all anti-government forces are US/NATO/Saudi/Israeli backed terrorists. Separately, Sergey Lavrov said Moscow rejected Washington’s attempt to include Jabhat al-Nusra in the “regime of silence.” “We managed to exclude this as it is absolutely unacceptable,” Lavrov stressed. He stopped short of explaining hundreds of US special forces deployed to northern Syria are directly aiding terrorist fighters. US/Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee (HNC) coordinator Riyad Hijab called for a so-called anti-Assad Friends of the Syrian People Group extraordinary meeting in Paris “(i)n light of” government forces, aided by Russian air power, making steady advances against terrorist groups they support. Three Russian Geneva conflict resolution initiatives since 2012, along with other diplomatic efforts, failed to end over five years of US instigated naked aggression on Syria, using ISIS and other terrorist groups as imperial foot soldiers. Very few sources report accurately on what’s happening, how it began, and why peace remains unattainable – because Washington rejects it. Longstanding US plans call for regime change. Syria is being raped and destroyed like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Yemen to install another puppet regime America controls. Russia, China, Venezuela, Brazil, Cuba and other independent states await the same fate (by color revolutions or military force) if what remains of the free world doesn’t unite against a monster wanting dominion over planet earth, its resources, and populations.

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