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Video: Huge Object Found Moving Across Ocean Floor – YouTube
What we are being allowed to see now will lead us to the understanding that there may be much more to this planet than meets the eye.
We have recently been allowed to see several things:
1) Admiral Bird’s Expedition to wipe out NAZI bases in Antarctica
2) Bases on Mars
3) Bases on the Moon
4) CIA UFO Files
5) Exploding Meteors – Space Ships – see last Sorcha article on
6) Under Water Anomalies
Perhaps there is something much bigger than we are that are here to help – stabilize the planet???
Yesterday there were two attempted assassinations – one on Trump and one on Obama as he went to the G-7 Summit in Japan and plans a First Nuclear Strike against China, Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea.
According to the latest zUN Broadcast high levels or Radiation stops time and as the Great Avatar (Personality of Lucifer) who runs the United Nations dictates after this occurs there can be a great rebuilding of Planet Earth.
Yesterday the SS stopped the one on Trump by Hillary and the Russians stepped in to stop the one on Obama #4 in Japan by warning those Japanese et to shoot him – both were set to start a Nuclear War.
Just perhaps these strange and powerful entities do not wish this WW3??
Just perhaps these entities are now helping since we have hit Critical Mass???
Time will tell…………….
Pray that the Rothchild’s Mafia falls apart …… Today
The News You Need
Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount
Anyone can make claims of failed assassination attempts. Might as well post the ramblings of a kindergartner given the lack of any evidence or proof.
…authorities are NOT going to divulge anything…
You do realize that “Google Erf’ images” of the ocean are not actual pictures, right? You can’t see through the water with a satellite photo. And despite your misleading title, you never showed any proof of ANYTHING MOVING across the ocean bottom. Just say’in……..
This is either BS, BS or BS.
I’d say it’s BS.
Yah its BS.
Some folk pick a genre of topics to write about to make book sales, and the best sales come from fly by night book writers that write about fantastical things that awe the imagination. The best subjects are ones that are a mystery that no one can prove, like the Tesla technology claims where the bottom line is that the real information is being suppressed by the government and only they know the truth, which the book salesmen claims as the reason there is a lack of tangible evidence for these things. Everyone will say it is because of government technology or information suppression. Hence a loop in reasoning is created that keeps on going around to the same old point always being made, the government is suppressing technology and ufo evidence. Without tangible evidence all of these things are mere claims, and assumption, as well as personal opinions. Exposing the Torah pdf Exposing Judaism pdf Exposing the lie of Islam pdf The 16 crucified saviors pdf The Dark Web The Deep Web
It isn’t that we’ve been ‘Allowed’ to see it. YOU have seen it because dedicated people that don’t get paid scour EVERYTHING NAZA GIVES US AND WE FIND THIER SCREWUPS
Giant Eel ~ Gain ‘ET’ El ~ GAN Elite ~ GE Entail ~ GE ‘AI’ Lent
Giant Eel A ~ Agile ‘n’ Eat ~ Elegant AI
Retard – reTARD -ReTerd – RiTard – weee’tard
Sea Beast ~ Seat Base ~ Ate Base’s
Sea Beast ~ SS ‘a’ ET ‘a’ Be
thank you for sharing this
This is complete crap but at least the guy opened comments. That will get him a few more clicks. In that sense he’s smarter than IITM, William Frederick M. Div., Glenn Can’o'gay, etc.
Dr. Mount, I have been following your news since some months and have always appreciated it. Thank you.
You’re so full of it you even make posts towards the “internet trolls”.
LOL – - I can’t!! Thanks for the laugh!
The creature was seen about a year ago snaking its way along some bay side (that I can’t remember).
And of course IT may have come out of that Siberian sink hole, along with it’s little ones.
Anyway, LEVIATHAN will reveal itself probably more sooner than later. And everyone better hope that the LORD GOD will deal with it as he promised. (Isaiah 27:1)
Boet youve got a mile long object moving in your brain ~ Fek! They should never have legalised weed in America ~ you were all braindead already……..
Ok! l hear you all swearing me blind ~ BUT WHO VOTED FOR BARACK OBAMA 666 TWICE eh ?!!
Mount never deals with proof. He plays with people. He is part of dis-info.