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Officer arrested after three killed in Washington-area shooting spree

Friday, May 6, 2016 16:59
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Officer arrested after three killed in Washington-area shooting spree | 06 May 2016 | Police on Friday arrested a federal officer suspected in a two-day shooting rampage in the Washington suburbs that killed his wife and two apparent strangers and revived memories of the “Beltway sniper” attacks of 2002. Three others were wounded in the three separate attacks. Eulalio Sevilla Tordil, 62, a police officer with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Protective Service, was arrested in a doughnut shop near the site of the second of Friday's two shootings, police said. He had been suspected of killing his wife and shooting a bystander on Thursday in Prince George's County, Maryland. When two more shootings broke out in neighboring Montgomery County on Friday, investigators turned their attention to Tordil, who had threatened to commit “suicide by cop,” police said. A plainclothes officer spotted Tordil in a Dunkin' Donuts.


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